Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] only just [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 If the golden age for Byrd 's motets has only just begun to dawn , then Byrd 's songs are still in their dark ages .
2 Then he frowned , as if her words had only just reached him .
3 After ten years of touring and rehearsing , the languid Scots have only just finished their third album .
4 His parents had only just begun to give him and his sibling the lore of their territory , telling him the names of eagles who had nested there before .
5 Legislators have only just passed the 1993 budget , and they will not appreciate having to rearrange the billions in pork they packed into it .
6 What he did n't realize however , was that the real questions had only just begun .
7 The aspirations of the knightly class at its best and the sense that Christendom must go over to the offensive against Islam are nowhere more succinctly expressed than in this poem , written when the Christian reconquest of Spain was well under way , but when the crusades had only just begun , shortly before or shortly after the launching of the First Crusade .
8 ‘ This will rebound on the Government and their difficulties have only just started . ’
9 Laboratory chemists have only just begun to wake up to this change .
10 If they wished to prevent Labour forming a government , they would have to come to an arrangement with Baldwin , rather than any other Conservative ; and since the Liberals had only just fought an election opposing Baldwin 's policy of Protection , this would be a difficult course for them to take .
11 Both Gary Smith and Barry Dowdeswell , chief executive of the Royal Victoria Infirmary , Newcastle 's oldest teaching hospital , agreed that the acute hospitals had only just woken up to community care .
12 Only Sara seemed composed and judicial ; looking directly at Gerald she said : ‘ The police have only just started their questioning ; I think we should be very careful about what we say to them .
13 In RENFE the pruning of little-used rural services has only just begun .
14 It is prudent to check each company 's rules before you commit yourself ‘ These contracts have only just started in Britain and so far people have treated them cautiously , ’ says Peter Hargreaves of adviser Hargreaves Lansdowne .
15 Arts groups have only just begun to take on board the fact that they have to be much more proactive if they are to tap the creativity of people who may be confined to their homes or only get out to day centres with help .
16 Agfa 's Rodinal falls into this category , although at 100 years old it is positively ancient and not modern , but it nevertheless has many qualities that other modern developers have only just caught up with .
17 Now , although the polls have only just closed , I think that , on the basis of a sample of the replies to our invitations , we can make a projection about the number of people coming to this party and also say something about the ‘ social mix ’ .
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