Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] down [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I knew I 'd got kids written down here for a reason .
2 He stepped over the recumbent body on the floor and swept her up into his arms , crushing her against his chest as his lips came down hard on hers .
3 Lots of people from the restaurants park down here in the evening , but I only just realized , talking to my wife , that it had actually been there all day as well .
4 His words flowed down smoothly as the black cloth of his soutane .
5 The past year has seen office rents come down sharply in the Central Business District because of oversupply .
6 Built over 200 years ago , its elegant Regency houses look down quietly towards the sea , a matter of 200 yards away .
7 But , while the legislators ponder on ‘ the rights and freedoms of the individual ’ ( is that the right to throw your Alsatian out onto the motorway because he 's grown too big to handle ? ) we are all left to contemplate statistics like 1000 stray dogs put down daily by the RSPCA , or 58,000 road accidents ( many involving death and serious injury ) caused by stray dogs .
8 The world population of all five species is now fewer than 10,500 animals , with the rapid decline in numbers in the past 30 years put down largely to poaching .
9 Very few of the most senior people training establishments bedded down well within the operational theatre .
10 Just in front of the keeper because it 's amazing how many things fall down just in front of the keeper .
11 THERE is an England where bees hum through warm English country gardens , where apple trees lean down low in Linden Lea , and where ladies in tweed skirts eat tea and crumpets in the afternoon .
12 One would therefore expect a system of massive objects to settle down eventually to a stationary state , because the energy in any movement would be carried away by the emission of gravitational waves .
13 Lili came down again in a black jersey frock and fresh lipstick and carrying the scent of some strange perfume .
14 For the nation as a whole , the visible effect was a huge rise in unemployment and a vast drop in the gross domestic product , with factories , mills , and pits closing down all over the country .
15 The fighting was too close for firearms ; the two men went down together in the darkness and wrestled until another American could discern which was which and hit the redhead hard with the butt of his Colt .
16 His hands clamped down tightly on the steering wheel .
17 The shutters stayed down today at his shop in Bridge Street in the Co Down town .
18 A I would suggest you have your hair regularly trimmed to the length it is now until the layers grow down successfully without splitting , then you have a chance of growing your hair longer .
19 For example , much of the nitrogen is locked up in organic materials which plant organisms break down slowly into ‘ plant-available ’ nitrates .
20 He stalked back out and came back in with two more boxes to dump down heavily with the others .
21 With frontier restrictions coming down all over Europe in 1992 , they fear the sort of epidemic that has been sweeping the rest of the continent .
22 Talks broke down today between the Soviet and Japanese delegations who have been negotiating over recent territorial clashes over culture-krill-harvesting operations off the island of Sakhalin .
23 You said well , no one knows better than I what it means to be Welsh now in these border towns such as Shrewsbury , with trade forbidden , and restrictions bearing down hard on every man with Welsh blood .
24 Behind him , Paxton 's body lay amongst the frozen dancers and entertainers smiling down blankly as if welcoming him .
25 It is not unusual for a private company to have rigorous controls governing sale of shares , and this is so in Faber 's case , where the shareholdings break down evenly among employees , T S Eliot 's widow Valerie and the Faber family .
26 Three quick wickets went down early on the fourth morning , the first being Boon 's as he strolled a single , only to be embarrassed by keeper Pandit 's throw to the far end .
27 The last three wickets went down quickly after lunch , Mallender bagging his fifth of the innings to complete a distinguished debut , and Pringle his third .
28 Every available wall surface was covered with memories of Kean and Macready ; even in the lavatory the twin deities looked down beneficently on lesser mortals .
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