Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] what they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Examinations should enable candidates to demonstrate what they can do , and should not undermine the confidence of those who attempt them .
2 Governments do what they can .
3 They are intended to provide an opportunity for pupils of all abilities to show what they can do in realistic activities that themselves contribute to learning .
4 That would provide quality for people and ensure that league tables mean what they should mean , which is a comparison of the delivery of services to people .
5 The speaker in the afternoon was Sue Beardon , of Voluntary Action-Leeds , and she helped delegates understand what they must do to prepare themselves for the new ways of working .
6 It is a similar concept to the benefit of the division of labour , in that benefits are to be gained , not by persons doing what they can do best , but by persons doing what they can do relatively better than other people .
7 It is a similar concept to the benefit of the division of labour , in that benefits are to be gained , not by persons doing what they can do best , but by persons doing what they can do relatively better than other people .
8 The elderly relatives did what they could but it meant that all through his life — not that he even survived to forty — there was never a chance to take it a bit easier , no one he could rely on to do the work if he was ill or tired .
9 The international organisations and aid donors did what they could to fill the gap by giving them special status and new credit facilities , but it was only just enough to keep them financially afloat .
10 Left to themselves , folk musicians did what they could without the guidance which might have come from experienced musicians .
11 The salvage men returned what they could , including the iron saucepan , but Willis 's painting materials were past repair .
12 Governors are largely untrained volunteers doing what they can in their spare time .
13 In particular , the National Curriculum assessment methods must enable all pupils to demonstrate what they can do , without the assessment of their performance being unfairly affected by the context of the task or the preconceptions of the assessor .
14 See-through : Try a bit harder — or you may not be able to hold up your head when your children ask what they can expect from the future .
15 The best hope is candidly to explain what one is , like Julian the camp-survivor and destroyer in A Fairly Honourable Defeat , and let others think what they may .
16 The GMC should ensure that all final year medical students understand what they can reasonably expect .
17 Though others envy what they can not give , for had the gift been theirs it had not here thus grown .
18 And , indeed , as befits someone who 's hovering on the edge of idolatry , even her vocabulary has gone a little pagan ‘ Till dieted by thee I grow mature in knowledge as the Gods who all things know ’ , and then what I think is a brilliant touch on Milton 's part , the very next line says to us ‘ Though others envy what they can not give ’ .
19 Others did what they could to scrape by .
20 Predators take what they can get , and if a preferred food species is not available they will turn to another .
21 He called on the industry to create minimum standards for design and construction so that developers knew what they would get for their money .
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