Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] been [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 There were reports of opposition supporters having been fired on in Tbilisi the following day .
2 After three centuries of decline , the first steps had been taken on the path to restoration .
3 Shards of glass were still falling 12 hours after the blast and computers had been blown on to the pavement .
4 Cars had been laid on in advance by Tom Warner 's telegram , and we were soon settled in our respective suites or rooms in the C.P.R. 's palatial Hotel Saskatchewan .
5 Her admirer had already been bound over to keep the peace after being arrested on her doorstep , and his unwelcome attentions had been going on for over six years .
6 Based on a series of works by Picasso collectively known as the Antipolis cycle , made in 1946 to 1947 , the images have been engraved on to metal plates by Claude Rodrigues and printed uninked ( a technique known as gaufrage ) .
7 Its new home is Courtaulds ' technical library , where training sessions have been going on since mid-November .
8 Today 's new generation of black directors has been spurred on by two particular success stories .
9 Before Reflexology was researched and developed in America in the 1930s , work on reflexes of the feet had been carried on in China for thousands of years .
10 Sexy blonde curls have been pinned on to the crown for this look from John Peers
11 The US authorities claimed that the decision to evacuate Peace Corps workers had been taken on the basis of general intelligence concerning NPA intentions , and that Swanson 's abduction had only become known after the decision had been made .
12 The cornflower-blue dress she had brought to wear at the finals had been slept on by Ethel and was impossibly creased , as was her face after two nights sleeping in the car .
13 The linoleum tiles in the middle area of the floor were rimmed by some new type of carpet , there was a false ceiling and false blinds had been hung on the walls .
14 Just a few hours earlier British troops had been sent on to the streets of Northern Ireland .
15 We can accept that by 1923 or 1924 the sacred places had been settled on , and there were quite enough of them .
16 Those costs have been passed on to the residents , so the gap has widened .
17 The debate about the vulnerability of land-based missiles has been going on so long that a few cynics have begun to wonder if it matters all that much .
18 The outer room was empty , but the lights had been left on .
19 Sometimes , if the lights had been left on , and I was unable to sleep , I 'd look across to Tom and feel great sorrow to see that fine man lying on the floor in a bleak underground room , with a rough blanket over his legs and cockroaches crawling over him as he slept .
20 Two more of the nave lights had been switched on but the church was still dim compared with the harsh glare of the arc lights trained on the scene and it took him a minute to locate Father Barnes , a dark shape at the end of the first row of chairs under the pulpit .
21 At the other end of the building some very different experiments had been going on involving nuclear physicists who knew of the existence but few of the details of ZETA .
22 When questioned they admitted that this state of affairs had been going on for some time .
23 These and similar questions have been forced on to the theological agenda by the way in which the modern western world has grown .
24 Some of these topics have been touched on in S1 and S2 but receive a fuller treatment in the Standard Grade course .
25 Collect the leaves and stems of the plant that the eggs have been laid on , and put them in the cage in a pot of water together with a few more leaves or shoots of the same kind .
26 Your letter of 7 November to the Director of Highways has been passed on in respect of the bus stop issues although the remaining matters will be dealt with directly .
27 Trains had been laid on to despatch them to all parts of the country , so that for the rest of their lives they would be able to recall a few moments of honour , even glory .
28 Forth patients had been operated on , 14 of whom had been subjected to only ileocoecal resection .
29 The Disability Alliance , Mencap and other disability groups are outraged at the way in which these four affirmative orders have been spatchcocked on to the normal debate .
30 Erm the old on that you know , took me two years to get the bearings approved and er you know but then having to wait a year and a half cos had a year and a half 's worth of orders on 'em and promised to hold the price for three years is that 's what it took for them to use them up , er has run out , new orders have been put on but I 've got the chance of taking the business .
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