Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] in for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village eight cops moved in for another raid on a gay bar .
2 He flourished it as one of the dragons curved in for another low pass .
3 They were exactly the sort you 'd expect to see at this kind of activity : mostly middle-aged or older Americans or Germans in running shoes , with a few earnest Guardian readers thrown in for local colour .
4 The intensified aerial bombardment and resulting civilian casualties came in for strong criticism , with all the opposition groups in parliament ( hitherto supportive of military action against the LTTE ) subscribing to a statement which described it as an inhuman action against the people .
5 Once the Iraqis had pulled out , Kuwaiti vigilantes began combing the city for any Iraqi soldiers still hiding in the ruins and for anyone known or thought to have collaborated with the enemy , with Palestinians coming in for particular attention .
6 The game itself is an interesting mix of platform hopping and hand-to-hand combat , with a few subgames thrown in for good measure .
7 The Ulster Unionists came in for particular criticism , being accused of sacrificing the province 's interests in Europe for the prospect of holding the balance of power at Westminster .
8 There was a ‘ Refuge Rota ’ pinned by the house telephone , with six different names filled in for different times in the week .
9 Groups went in for all kinds of sponsored walks , knit-ins , beard-shavings , and even silence .
10 Small groups went in for spasmodic cattle thieving with familiar equipment and familiar methods , including blackmail .
11 While councillors came in for much criticism for being representative , health professionals had similar difficulties .
12 All the leaders came in for new rubber between laps 24 and 31 , when Patrese pitted .
13 But I 'm certain , by doing it this way , we will encourage females to put in for these these posts .
14 This is the new , raunchy Kylie ( I use the word ‘ raunchy ’ in its broadest possible sense ) and ‘ Let's Get To It ’ is basically eight desperate attempts at funkiness with two token ballads thrown in for good measure .
15 Well I mean all men go in for these model things .
16 Projects pencilled in for this year which have not yet started will also be postponed .
17 Research in child development suggests that there appear to be no differences between male and female humour , at least until school age , where boys go in for practical jokes more than girls .
18 There was a mini-rebellion about that just after the Police Strike and then they allowed policemen to go in for half an hour 's and eat breakfast .
19 The Liverpool fences came in for considerable criticism over their stiffness — unlike the Grand National ones from trainers , with several vowing never to return until they were modified .
20 The decision was held to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Soviet Presidium on 20 November and the Baltic republics came in for severe criticism from other delegates at the Supreme Soviet session on 1 December which passed the constitutional amendments into law .
21 But that one As you saw from the the past papers that 's a usually quite a bit of marks go in for that .
22 So the advertisers come in for two years .
23 Phrasal verbs come in for more attention with Phrasal Verbs Organiser from LTP ( by the man who gave us the First Certificate Organiser ) , while HarperCollins is publishing a Phrasal Verbs Workbook to accompany its dictionary .
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