Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] he be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He wanted his fans to know he was on the mend .
2 On his day Gerry was as good a centre-forward as any in the land and would almost certainly have won a string of Scottish International caps had he been with a more successful club .
3 Who else but Daly could be humble enough to offer to withdraw from the 1993 US Ryder Cup team if his team-mates do n't want him , and get fined for fast play , officials deciding he was in contempt by completing the second round of the TPD Championship in just over two hours .
4 Past Glories suggested he is on the way back when third to Kribensis in the Fighting Fifth at Newcastle , while Floyd is not quite up to it in the highest class these days .
5 The Select Committee on Members ' Interests found he was in ‘ clear breach of the terms and the spirit ’ of the rules on declaration of interests for failing to tell other committee members of his links with a company making flight simulators .
6 At this point the demonstrators beleived he was on his way to prison .
7 LIVERPOOL 'S Ian Rush hit a scorching riposte to the critics claiming he is past his best with a stunning equaliser .
8 According to a book by Sunday Times journalists , an SAS soldier posed as the ex-UDR man after security forces learned he was on the IRA 's hit list .
9 As a boy , friends said he was in love with the cadet corps .
10 Police confirmed he was under arrest .
11 Despite the tough measures of May 10th , the opinion polls say he is by far France 's favourite politician .
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