Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , he could sell a futures contract at the current futures price and , at the end of T years , buy the asset in the cash market to deliver it into the futures market to fulfil the contract .
2 Produced in six bi-monthly parts it gives an up-to-date , comprehensive summary of all decisions on human rights cases heard at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg .
3 Just over a year ago , over a thousand biologists gathered at an international meeting in Vancouver .
4 And we now have fifty agents of different nationalities , all highly trained in the skills taught at the special place . ’
5 Among those noting Xu 's habit of using just one board ( ingredients are so fresh and so quickly prepared that food poisoning is not considered a threat ) is Keith Mitchell , team captain of the British chefs competing at the culinary Olympics in Frankfurt next year , and head chef at the Grand Hotel , Eastbourne , East Sussex .
6 Citizens ' action groups protested at the environmental damage caused by NATO manoeuvres and , in August 1989 , the SPD called for an end to the special rights and privileges enjoyed by the allied forces .
7 The different frequencies of light are what the human eye sees as different colors , with the lowest frequencies appearing at the red end of the spectrum and the highest frequencies at the blue end .
8 Zeuxis 's painted vine provoked the wonder and the applause of all his audience when it attracted birds to peck at the plump fruit .
9 Some provision was made for the giving of legal advice by salaried solicitors outside the ambit of private practice in the Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949 , but the part of the Act which would have established full-time paid solicitors located at the Legal Aid Area Headquarters and travelling to smaller places was never brought into force .
10 The court heard one of the burglaries occurred at an old people 's home .
11 Gemma sits like a reclining obelisk with messy hair dyed a shade lighter than his , large eyes resting at an artful slant , a full mouth .
12 While I was shaving , peacefully surveying my baggy eyes , thick lips hinting at a recent cold sore , and ever-deepening wrinkles , I saw in the mirror something monstrous appear around the side of my grey hair .
13 Robyn pursed her lips and tilted her chin , eyes flashing at the scathing tone of his voice .
14 After the early victories in Bath and Cheltenham , the faces of party supporters gathered at the Liberal Club in Mr Ashdown 's Yeovil constituency grew progressively longer as it became clear the predicted breakthrough was not going to happen .
15 After the early victories in Bath and Cheltenham , the faces of party supporters gathered at the Liberal Club in Mr Ashdown 's Yeovil constituency grew progressively longer as it became clear the predicted breakthrough was not going to happen .
16 Sir Charles Sherrington argued that the evolution of neuronal integration of reflexes concerned with movement gave rise to large ganglia situated at the front end of mobile animals , for that is where the sense organs develop .
17 IF there was one occasion that summed up sporting attitudes in l992 , it was Carl Lewis 's bizarre attempt to set an Olympic record for the greatest number of journalists asphyxiated at a single press conference .
18 Her eyes gazed at the yellow light on the ceiling .
19 We had just passed over a gaggle of eighteen-thousand-foot volcanoes , great slag heaps of ash with gaping vents pointed at the clear blue bowl of the heavens , when he finally shifted in his seat and leaned across me to look out of the window , blinking his eyes .
20 His ears pricked at the unmistakable tones of French officialdom .
21 North of the Border , a balance between those architects expecting a rise and those expecting a fall in workloads in the next six months stands at a dismal minus 19 per cent .
22 The Coroner was in his early forties , a gaunt , greying man , with thick spectacles perched at the very end of his nose .
23 Yuan 's eyes flickered at the vocative title ‘ sei-sen ’ — ‘ sword bearer ’ .
24 This duty which every partner owes to each of his co-partners lies at the very heart of the partnership relationship .
25 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
26 He fingered his jaw thoughtfully , eyes glittering at the scarlet patches in her cheeks .
27 Bending , he feathered a kiss along her cheek , his cool lips pausing at the delicate curve of her ear .
28 In one of the most enthralling finishes seen at a European Tour event this season , the 33 year-old Mancunian held his game together , coming down the stretch , to record his first Tour triumph in the European Open at Walton Heath .
29 In the years following 1868 she had several landscapes and religious pictures exhibited at the Royal Academy .
30 In fact , many Club guests choose to take the full trips package at the very start of their holiday , which means they know that certain nights out and meals are already catered for — and you 'll be amazed how much that can save you on the food and drinks bill .
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