Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] it [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Many Third World states regarded it as a blatantly unbalanced proposal since it did not include an offer by Soviet leaders to close down their military and naval facilities in South Yemen and Ethiopia .
2 ‘ The Daleks ’ , however , took the show up into the rarified heights of peak viewing , prompting programme schedulers to see it as a very useful keystone in grabbing audiences for the whole of Saturday evening — which had been Donald Baverstock 's prime intention all along .
3 Where do evokes the infinitive as a reality , the modals evoke it as a potentiality .
4 The Chinese , who used ivory for elaborately carved handles and vessels as early as the Shang dynasty and in later times used it for a wide variety of personal items such as brush pots , wrist-rests , boxes , seals , snuff boxes and fans , had increasingly to import the material as the elephant herds in the southern provinces diminished .
5 Originally it had no towers and was aisleless , but extensive additions in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries made it into a three-aisled church with a tall tower .
6 Its supporters regarded it as a happy augury that on the same day the Soviet Union finally called off its blockade of Berlin .
7 In a written statement issued on Oct. 15 after consultation with Hau Pei-Tsun , President Lee Teng-hui described it as a " rash and irresponsible act in total disregard of national security , social stability and the welfare of the people " , and called for penalties in accordance with the law .
8 She had sorted out the reins now and Caspar had explained about just touching the horse 's flanks with her heels to spur it to a gallop .
9 As it moves , the scorpion relies on information from air passing over its hairs to keep it on a straight course .
10 sitting there doing paper work and the ki erm the kids use it as a a an office and what have you , there with their paper work , Sarah does her homework there and we have our meals in there so erm sort of it does n't really matter but er you know it saves them all coming out for a meal , and having to do it cos trouble is it 's too small to keep an eye on people to see if they want anything , everything 's alright and what have you
11 Virtually all the Japanese martial arts use it as a means of producing extra power from within the body — just as weightlifters make great grunting and groaning noises when attempting a particularly heavy lift .
12 We normally on the first three months do it on a group basis
13 The Durham lads renamed it after a Zimbabwean mountain range ‘ the curse of the Bvumbras . ’
14 Many off-road drivers see it as a challenge and while a voluntary code of practice has reduced the number of cars and bikes on Sundays and bank holidays , some are still upsetting the walkers and riders .
15 Fishing Lines : The staring eyes have it for a longer life
16 I strain my ears to hear it , like distant music ; my eyes see it as a very bright light very far away .
17 The danger of criticizing the appointment of particular judges was shown when in June 1980 a Belfast jury awarded £50,000 damages to a Northern Ireland county court judge for a libel contained in an article in the Economist suggesting that his appointment had been based , as The Times put it in a leading article , not so much on his ability but on the fact that he was a Roman Catholic .
18 Tory plans to sell it for a small shopping mall were scuppered when Labour seized control last year .
19 One fire engine was damaged as crews used it as a barrier while they tried to extinguish the fire in the building 's upper floor and roof .
20 The first engine rolled out of the Springfield sheds on November 4 1902 , and it would have been one of the last to use the level crossing at Thompson Street because very soon the council seem to have ordered Stivvies to replace it with a bridge .
21 The house used to belong to my grandfather , who let my parents use it as a holiday home , ’ Ashley explained , ‘ but he died last winter and left it to me .
22 But the ritual was nevertheless a way of protecting the devotional intimacy , whereas the non-liturgical denominations exposed it in a way he would have found offensive .
23 In the ninth century , one poet praised its beauty , while another drowned in it ; salt-traders and vintners plied it as a matter of routine ; nobles and religious communities with estates on both sides of it had boats ready for regular crossings and landing-stages where their men could send off surplus produce for sale and unload imports for their masters ' consumption ; Vikings contemplated arduous upstream journeys , but quick getaways ; Charles the Bald , worried over strategic problems , planned the river 's blocking , and policing , and also exploited the symbolic possibilities of meetings at Orléans , Fleury , Cosne , Meung , Pouilly to which nobles must come from Aquitaine by crossing the river while Charles himself received his visitors on the Frankish side .
24 Children who witness sexual intercourse in the first few years of their lives see it as a sort of ill-treatment , an assault by the man on the woman ; ‘ they view it that is in a sadistic sense ’ .
25 In the case of this group , they were able to define the questions related to strategy , to conduct their own inquiries , to have staff people conduct some relevant research , to have three individuals organise it into a presentation that was ultimately approved and owned by the top group .
26 The village hall is run by an energetic committee who have raised sufficient money over the past few years to convert it from a wooden building to a brick one , and to refurbish the interior .
27 He had had a distinguished war , being wounded once and decorated twice , and had spent the next five years recreating it in a series of patriotic British movies .
28 My husband kicked it in the chest and it flew off but returned shgortly after and attacked the smallest of the dogs pinning it against a stile
29 Polly Peck got credit unsecured but the banks gave it without a term , that was Nadir 's ( above ) biggest Mistake ’ .
30 Venezuela stands in sharp contrast because the banks see it as a better bet than Mexico .
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