Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] in [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is hard to divide up the Basque hinterland in any manageable way in order to describe it ; here , I shall stick to the three provinces recognized in it by the Basques themselves , of Labourd , Basse-Navarre and the Soule .
2 The outcome is that fox hunts will need a licence from the Ministry of Agriculture before they can temporarily block setts to prevent foxes hiding in them during a hunt , or to dig out foxes which succeed in entering a sett .
3 This can lead to a series of continuous keys with gaps left in it at intervals .
4 Though the sinful propensities remain in us till our dying day , they need not be dominant .
5 I 've got plants growing in it at the moment .
6 the fact of belonging to the same class , and that of belonging to the same generation or age group , have this in common , that both endow the individuals sharing in them with a common location in the social and historical process , and thereby limit them to a specific range of potential experience , predisposing them for a certain characteristic mode of thought and experience , and a characteristic type of historically relevant action .
7 I shall just have to play on and ride out the recession and I feel I still have three good years left in me at the top .
8 The emerging Turkish foreign ministry , a case in point , had about 200 salaried officials working in it in the early 1870s , at the end of the Tanzimat period of attempted administrative and legal reform .
9 Already when my father was still alive and under his instructions , I inventoried his complete collection of drawings , carefully noting down memories aroused in him by the sight of these works dating from his life before 1914 in the company of Modigliani .
10 When Pennant visited it in 1772 there were three farmers living in it with their stock and crops and at times in the summer months as many as twelve families were known to stay in it at once and it was the headquarters of those employed in the manufacture ( if kelp .
11 If the things produced in us through perception are ideas , that is , the very same things that are the meanings of words , then words have meaning for us by virtue of our present-life perceptual experiences .
12 But that causeway had had deep holes dug in it by the defenders these last days , and the intervening stretches strewn with caltrops , four-pronged iron spikes such as Bruce had used with such effect at Bannockburn , and which the many smiths of Berwick had been set to forging for the last weeks .
13 ‘ So I compromised by redesigning the base as a set of flat plates with circular holes cut in them through which sets of moulded hemispheres could be pushed .
14 On 5 December 1991 the father applied for an order that his two children be returned to the jurisdiction of the State of Victoria , Australia , on the ground that the mother had taken them without his consent in breach of the joint custodial rights vested in him under the Australian Family Law Act 1975 .
15 The Frome Turnpike Trustees have returned to the scene ; the powers vested in them by previous legislation having been insufficient to meet their needs , they were now given a helping hand on 19 June 1797 , with :
16 The Articles also permitted the Board to delegate any of the powers vested in it to a committee and defined ‘ the Board ’ so as to include any committee authorised by the Board to act on its behalf .
17 The regulations have one very unusual effect in that it is permissible to make a reproduction of a topography for the purpose of analyzing or evaluating that topography or the concepts , processes , systems or techniques embodied in it by section 226(1A) of the 1988 Act .
18 those apparently naturalised representations of events and situations relating to race , whether ‘ factual ’ or ‘ fictional ’ , which have racist premises and propositions inscribed in them as a set of unquestioned assumptions .
19 As the authority of the Bible began to be questioned , its defenders commonly appealed to the miracles recorded in it as guarantees of the truth of its message .
20 Odd gloves we never used to charge for had to get rid of them and er so apart from those two offices er there was immediately above us was a biggish office spreading over these two blocks of offices , called the ticket office and there at that time about eleven girls working in it on tickets .
21 It was hard , perilous work which , by rockfall or dust , killed most of the men employed in it before their retirement age , and it left Evan with the gasping lungs of the silicosis-sufferer .
22 Every one of the dead men ached in him like an amputation .
23 ‘ Boggers ’ ( no , I do n't know why , though I suspect it may have something to do with a haircut that bears a passing resemblance to a bogbrush ) may have a couple of incisive seasons left in him at best , but opponents will rarely get a moment 's peace when he combines with Bicknell and Waqar Younis next year .
24 It was , therefore , supposed that the compensating positive charge was spread out like the cakey part of a plum pudding , with the electrons embedded in it like currants .
25 ceramic tiles set in it like that
26 The pagan Anglo-Saxon cemeteries are much easier to date because of the larger number of artefacts found in them as grave-goods .
27 And Fowler certainly has a stack more runs left in him after Lancashire 's biggest shake-up since manager Jack Bond and Peter Lever were axed in 1986 .
28 The whole area had been covered with black polythene sheeting to keep down weeds , with a few slits cut in it for drainage .
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