Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [that] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 The Canadian researchers say that tests on animals are needed , but such work would take some years .
2 As a result it was easy for protagonists to claim that opinions on test-tube fusion , particularly its validity or otherwise , were n't always made on purely scientific grounds , but that self interests were the driving forces .
3 These rules stipulated that negotiations on trade matters could only be initiated by principal suppliers .
4 British Nuclear Fuels says that radioactivity on overalls is within safety limits and that Taylor was a difficult man to work with .
5 Some observers say that charging on the basis of hours is too simple a method to be used exclusively in the increasingly complex business of auditing .
6 Nevertheless , their statements suggest that injustice on a considerable scale was a feature of Æthelred 's reign , and this is confirmed by a passage of crucial importance in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle .
7 Both the bipartisan commission and INS officials believe that sanctions on employers could be strengthened with , in the commission 's words , a ‘ fraud-proof work-authorisation document ’ .
8 However , studies demonstrate that obstructions on the way of obtaining legal advice have different effects on different sorts of people .
9 Security chiefs believe that terrorists on the outside were planning to fire at — and bomb — two rear lookout towers as part of the escape plan .
10 But the EC is divided , with some donors fearing that pressure on a Malawi under siege may be counterproductive .
11 But on Tuesday , Exchange records show that activity on the traded options market leapt to 2,601 contracts , covering 2.6 million Dixons shares .
12 Police reports alleged that raids on Ershad 's residence after his arrest on Dec. 12 [ see p. 37907 ] had revealed assets in excess of those which could have been expected from a presidential income , as well as large quantities of unlicensed firearms .
13 The presence of these genera suggests that conditions on the waste ground — which include intermittent disturbance , little grazing , low competition between species , and unleached soil — must have similarities to those in Britain 10 000 years ago .
14 In addition , groups of questions were devoted to marriage and to child-care , so that there was no pressure on the women to feel that responses on these subjects would be out of order .
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