Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [subord] he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 His teeth gleamed as he smiled .
2 And then his iron control seemed to give way for a moment , his fingers clenching as he pulled her roughly against him .
3 got home late last night — left N. at 2.30 which was 1.30pm our time and then got , just — with literally only about four minutes to spare once he had rung me , the 6pm train from Kings Cross .
4 Tsu Ma leaned forward , his teeth flashing as he smiled .
5 Kirov 's fingers trembled as he adjusted the fine-tuning dial of his radio set .
6 Brown eyes twinkled as he came towards Lindsey .
7 MORRISSEY left thousands of fans fuming after he pulled out of Sunday 's Madness reunion concert .
8 His shoulders rose as he took a deep breath like a diver about to plunge .
9 I didnae cry when he left me .
10 His eyes flickered as he looked at her , and she knew he was searching his mind for a joke .
11 He smiled , his eyes twinkling as he told Iain how he had had a glimpse of the lower decks , which had all been cut away in the centre and some sort of plastic covering installed .
12 Images flickered across the disordered screen of her mind — Rune provocatively , dominantly angry at their first meeting ; Rune , eyes shuttered , playing ‘ her ’ song ; Rune , mouth tender , eyes laughing as he had watched the children playing at the funfair in Tivoli ; Rune , seeking her out at her hotel , deliberately drawing her into his life ; Rune , his blond head bent , handling her damaged foot with such tenderness ; Rune …
13 He was a slow reader , and his lips moved as he followed the words .
14 ‘ Of course , I nearly forgot — ’ his lips twisted when he came to a standstill ‘ — you 're newly betrothed … ’
15 ‘ Oh , God ! ’ he said , laughing , his body relaxing and his eyes glittering as he bent his head , his mouth close to hers .
16 He liked gentlemen to behave as he expected them to behave .
17 His brows drew into a grim frown and immediately she wished the words unsaid as he dragged a hand wearily across his forehead .
18 The policeman frantically lit another cigarette , then leant back , his eyes closed as he took a deep lungful of tobacco smoke .
19 His eyes closed as he recalled the confrontation .
20 But her husband was grinning , eyes closed as he collapsed into his chair , with the blonde mane moving between his legs .
21 They sat along one wall by unspoken consent , like a school dance : a grey-haired man in a grey anorak with a once-brutal face now cowed by misery into a sort of gentleness ; an Asian couple , he in a leather jacket , resigned , she pretty and solicitous ; another grey-haired man who looked as though defeat was what he was born for ; a bearded man with a red scarf , lips twitching as he rehearsed things to say , things which would not help .
22 His dark eyes shone as he realized he was part of a British medical team that could and would meet any emergency that came along .
23 His eyes shone as he opened it and took out a gold watch covered in jewels .
24 He explained that their house down under the railway by the Bridge of Three Eyes had only one room , but his own eyes shone as he described the delights of a gypsy supper .
25 His eyes shone as he spoke of his great purpose in life , and I was listening , fascinated , so neither of us heard the light footsteps approaching the cottage along the grassy path .
26 ‘ If you 're wakeful I thought you might like company in the shape of Emma — ’ He stopped , his eyes narrowing as he saw the expression on her face .
27 ‘ The man next door , ’ he drawled , eyes narrowing as he closed the front door .
28 Benjamin 's shoulders shook as he controlled the bubble of laughter , but Henry sat back , clapping his hands and grinning from ear to ear like some bloody cat .
29 He was close to sleep and his words slurred when he spoke .
30 ‘ Oh , Christ , ’ said Evans , letting his shoulders sag as he turned and walked away from the open door .
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