Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [v-ing] at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If the number of candidates keeps rising at the present rate ’ , he said , ‘ then by the year 2010 the entire population of the world will have a SCOTVEC National Certificate ! ’
2 I like it when when wh it floods in town and you can go down and watch foreigners standing looking at the roofs of their cars floating down the Ouse and you think Yeah ! .
3 In the ornate portal of a mansion-block department store an old man with buttoned overcoat and brown burnished shoes stood talking at the rain .
4 It is possible that time-gap experiences represent driving at the tactical level which is conducted without controlled processes being involved , the assumption here is the common one that unless a stimulus event receives conscious attention it will not be stored in long term memory ( e.g. Bargh , 1984 ; Broadbent , 1958 ; Moray , 1959 ; Shiffrin & Schneider , 1977 ) .
5 Days spent staring at the wall .
6 In this way , all her eggs begin developing at the same time .
7 A spokesman confirmed that they probably come from the Bremen Kunstverein , from which fifty paintings , 1,715 drawings and 3,000 prints went missing at the end of the war , and that experts are still examining them .
8 On one flight from England , carrying some of our personal possessions , bells started ringing at the Customs Desk — and my carving knife was temporarily confiscated in case I attempted to hijack the plane !
9 Neighbours heard screaming at the Murphy family 's Ollcott Way home at midnight last Sunday .
10 The first batch of five coolies were flung face downward in the red dirt , and under the direction of the burly figure of Phat , half a dozen of his subordinates began lashing at the exposed soles of their bare feet .
11 If our jobless levels keep rising at the rate they have since the general election , then the north-east of Scotland may start to feel like the north-east of England .
12 The redshanks go fighting at the change of the wind .
13 The rapid acceleration of house prices during the late 1980s ( which received added impetus from the rush by house buyers to beat the ending of multiple mortgage tax relief in August 1988 ) meant that highly geared first-time buyers were especially vulnerable when interest rates began rising during 1988 , and their exposure increased when house prices began falling at the end of 1989 .
14 and then his friends come knocking at the door , you coming out to play football Rhys ?
15 Well when the Jehovah 's and the other religious cults come knocking at the door with their various pamphlet and trying to persuade you that their religion is better than others
16 If we ask the acoustic front end to leave some of the labelling to lexical access it will do so with a vengeance since it has no way of knowing what dilemmas need resolving at the lexical level .
17 The use of the layby , however , gave concern and councillors suggested looking at the possibility of filling in the laybys along Trinity Hill to prevent further incidents .
18 Naturally both sides got down and our men started swearing at the Germans , when all at once a brave German got on to his parapet and shouted ‘ We are very sorry about that ; we hope no one was hurt .
19 The following morning , Jim was free and the two men stood looking at the bones .
20 As a result the standard of craftsmanship to be found in some and the level of enthusiasm in all of his regular students is extremely high and the range of instruments produced expanding at the time .
21 But the H S E says the cluster of leukaemia cases is confined mainly to the nearby village of Seascale and to children whose fathers began working at the plant before nineteen sixty five .
22 However , once he gets his base plan on paper , probably by September , he 's going to start making the rounds of vendors seeking their cooperation in getting all the plugs from device drives to protocols filled beginning at the desktop level .
23 Kuwait is preparing to make a US$1,000 million claim for compensation from Iraq to cover the costs of cleaning up after the oil well fires left burning at the end of the Gulf War in 1991 .
24 Highlights include staying at the famous Hôtel du Lac at Vevey , visiting the Ecole Hôteliere in Lausanne with lunch at the Nestlé headquarters , tours of the Alimentarium Food Museum and the Centre de Dégustation des vins , a visit to the Nestlé chocolate factory at Broc and also a cheese factory at Gruyères .
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