Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [v-ing] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After the cab had departed he 'd returned to the body search ; a couple of rough-looking kids came sneaking up the alley for purposes unknown , but a long , low growl from the shadows sent them running .
2 Planted in horizontal rows across hillsides , the grass sinks deep roots and grows into a living retaining wall that traps soil washing down the slope .
3 I made 400 before great arcing beams of light snaked out above the eastern-bounding ridges of the valley and I had to stop as blocks and slates came hurtling down the softening snow .
4 The home side 's West Indian professional George Ferris made the visitors struggle knocking back the stumps four times and taking five for 75 but Darlington won by four wickets .
5 Plans to avoid picking up the pieces
6 When you begin to fly your model in circuits regularly , do be sure to practice both right and left hand circuits to avoid building up a bias towards one particular direction .
7 Some of these extra students will be people who are entering after several years in employment , or after years spent bringing up a family ; others will be coming straight from secondary education .
8 But getting a job after years spent bringing up a family is n't necessarily an end in itself For many women , it 's all part of changing their lives and pointing them in the direction they want to go in-of being in charge of their own destiny .
9 The many deadening years spent bringing up a family in the narrow society of Tidewater Virginia seemed to be evaporating rapidly from her memory in the heat and excitement of the tropics .
10 I 'd like to erm just say a few words about erm the three erm reductions in the budget of the erm er the erm community services erm the erm deletion of the arts budgets , you probably have heard this before , but I I do think it 's a great pity that erm when it was on the basis and I think very little knowledge of un and understanding with erm er of what arts is about which is to delete one of the , was one of the erm the the erm things in this council which we actually do best , it 's one of the things which has attracted attention from way beyond Cambridge erm and which is undoubt has undoubtedly to communities in which it takes place , erm as far as the erm erm oh the erm community , staffing of community centres erm this looks like erm in calculations involved handing over the r the management to the community centres to erm volunteers .
11 Senior West German officials here last night said that the Bonn cabinet had agreed to vote with President Mitterrand and other EC leaders to fix a date before the end of next year for the special conference of EC governments to begin drawing up a new treaty .
12 All these questions came tumbling out the moment she entered my room a couple of days later .
13 Things started working out a bit better , but towards the end of ‘ 85 everything started getting too much ; the pressures , trying to pay my bills and trying to get extra money in .
14 Well , I was going to say , at last year at my friends house , and they have all open front , beautiful frontage , nice big house they are , and two kiddies on bikes started riding down the , across the front gardens instead of on the pavement , or the road , and she said to me , oh , I 'll stop this , I 'm not having this .
15 If I was to er ask you to er just for the next ten minutes to start listing out the advertisers that you think might go into these , my guess is you 'd only get twenty five percent
16 For many , the very phrase risk management may have been a switch off even before the experts started whipping up the campaign with the emphasis on the disaster scenario — terrorist bombings , sinking oil tankers , fraud , kidnap and computer fires .
17 Mares in stalls make mucking out a large number easier .
18 This indirectly inspired the Victoria and Albert dockers to discuss setting up a rival organization to Tillett 's and led to a united campaign against the employers later in the month .
19 The scuffles broke out when more than 60 protesters began tearing down a fence while it was being erected by council contractors around the trees on a strip of land at Stafford Park .
20 Then , as the players came thundering down the boards , she joined the stampede , trying to steal the ball and nearly bringing down the pony of a fat child with pigtails , whose mother promptly started yelling at Daisy .
21 Remarkably , they turn what had looked like a dead duck of an evening — a half-full club of uninterested Finns busy soaking up the DJ 's Toto records — into an event .
22 Just as many equality feminists opposed shoring up the traditional family at the beginning of the century , so present-day Labour has been challenged internally time and time again — and externally by the women 's and lesbians and gay liberation movements — on its sexual politics .
23 The sentries begin waking up the patrol base .
24 If the police went charging up a blind alley as a result of her information , it would n't be her fault .
25 The reporters kept sending out the arithmetic of the Goddamned Middle East : sorties flown , bombs dropped , planes lost .
26 Then what the guys did going down the 18th was incredible .
27 We have been offered a pot-pourri of amendments — some favour London , some favour London and the south-east and others suggest carving up the country into all sorts of different regions .
28 The Peloponnesians ravaged the mine district in 430 ( Thuc. ii.55 ) , but it is hard to destroy a mine without explosives , and it was not till the Spartans envisaged setting up a fort on Attic territory at Decelea ( p. 142 ) that there could be talk of seriously damaging Athens ' mining revenues ( vi.91 ) .
29 He kissed her fervently and they stayed that way until the lights went up and the usherettes began moving down the aisles with their trays of icecream .
30 Chancellor Norman Lamont and fellow finance ministers began hammering out the final draft in Edinburgh yesterday afternoon .
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