Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [coord] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 There was a greater emphasis on the concept of spending needs which had to be costed out and in some cases justified and even evaluated .
2 The two men-at-arms leered but promptly buried their noses in their cups .
3 Three by five foot in size , the flags are made in patchwork from European trade cloth with the designs appliquéd and occasionally embroidered .
4 In response , Adenauer and Strauss not only had the magazine 's offices searched but also arrested its editor .
5 By the time he had finished ordering coffee , and , laying down the phone , was turning towards her , Lisa was sitting upright in her seat , her blue eyes alert and perfectly focused .
6 Shiona gripped the steering-wheel and squeezed her eyes shut and slowly counted up to ten .
7 Thus this in its turn can be spread as thickly or as thinly as one 's intuitions require and therefore used in defence of competing practical positions , most notably in the debates over abortion or the environment .
8 These little blisters enlarge and eventually burst to form ulcers which are shallow and acutely painful to touch .
9 It was becoming difficult to remember how it had looked fifteen months ago , before Amy and Timmy had entered his life ; the homemade shelves of orange boxes ranged against the wall which had held his books , the two mugs , two plates and one soup bowl , which had been adequate for his needs , neatly stacked in the cupboard , the excessive cleanliness of the small kitchen and lavatory , his bed smooth under the coverlet of knitted woollen squares , the single hanging cupboard which had been sufficient for his meagre wardrobe , his other possessions boxed and tidily stowed in the chest under the seat .
10 A bit of fish , a little sauce , one or two new potatoes boiled and then rolled in butter and parsley , and a frond or two of samphire if you have been lucky enough to find it .
11 Her parents separated and later divorced and she says the ‘ family split into two ’ .
12 We now know that Mls determinants are proteins encoded by genes of mouse mammary tumour viruses integrated and vertically transmitted in the mouse genome — in effect they are self-antigens , and as with any self-antigen encountered by T cells during their maturation in the thymus , T cells that react with Mls determinants are clonally eliminated in their early development with consequent ‘ skewing ’ of the animal 's V T-cell repertoire .
13 Licensees say they have sent rents soaring and already forced many out of business .
14 A study published by Age Concern Scotland asserts , that , ‘ to be dependent is to face the danger of being less than fully human because to be dependent is to live with the prospect of having our bodies cared for but our personal and social lives neglected or even dismissed as irrelevant . ’
15 In theory , during this period their potential to adapt technology to source inputs locally ( as had occurred in Biafra during the civil war ) , rather than to import them might have given them a competitive edge over the large manufacturing companies managed and partly owned from overseas .
16 THE woods seem but just freed from the horror of primeval sea , if that is not primeval sea washing their bases .
17 But we do not have to follow him further , to the view that authentic Producers ' Co-operation is to be found in factories owned and ultimately controlled not by the men and women working in them , but by the members of the Consumers ' Co-operatives whose capital built and equipped the factories , and employed labour to work in them .
18 4.2 acknowledges that the copyright in any modifications , additions or translations commissioned or otherwise effected by and at the expense of to meet market needs in the Territories shall remain the copyright of .
19 She 'd heard stories about people being attacked and their handbags stolen and so decided not to walk across town alone .
20 Given the miles of corridor which had to be traversed , this essential commodity left the kitchens boiling but often arrived either tepid or cold .
21 The Lord of the Rings is a study in threatened cosiness , of loved haunts lost and daringly recovered .
22 Generally , children from orthodox homes were placed in hostels controlled or strongly influenced by the Chief Rabbi 's Religious Emergency Council led by Solomon Schonfeld .
23 NORWEB not only paid the ELR a commercial rate for the daily goods train but also made a substantial donation to the ELR-coach restoration fund .
24 By Elizabethan standards Crosse was remarkably honest , reliable , and trustworthy ; qualities appreciated and much used by his superiors and by Sir Robert Cecil ( later first Earl of Salisbury , q.v . ) ,
25 Thus , if the corporations in their study were divided into three groups depending on the size of their annual sales , then they calculated that those with sales over $1 billion constituted 42 per cent of all corporations but committed nearly three-quarters of not only all violations but all serious violations , whereas those small firms with sales with less than half a billion dollars constituted nearly one-third of firms analysed but only committed less than 10 per cent of all violations .
26 Haviland and Clark found that the reaction time difference between the two conditions remained and therefore concluded that the additional time taken to comprehend the target sentence in the indirect antecedent condition arose because of the need to draw a bridging inference .
27 The terms which are to be used are likely to be specified , and synonyms recognized and probably eliminated ( for example , Packaging may be indicated as preferable to Wrapping ) .
28 Trees heard but barely seen in the darkness make a great rushing , crackling sound above me .
29 DARLINGTON Health Authority yesterday pledged to have a special unit for leukaemia patients open and fully staffed by August .
30 The arrangements agreed and jointly administered by the Training and Enterprise Council and the local authority Careers Service , allow for the registration of over 200 companies , in the first year , which have committed themselves to offer high quality training for employees under 19 .
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