Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Construction showed a massive increase , with 121 key projects completed and commissioned including 8 new coal pits and the Gezhouba dam project in Hubei .
2 Essentially it is the ultimate perfection — a hostile critic might say ‘ emasculation ’ — of Netherland polyphony , its florid elements pruned , its dissonances disguised or mollified by preparation and other devices which so lend themselves to codification that ‘ the style of Palestrina ’ has become the ideal model for students of sixteenth-century composition .
3 ‘ These institutions instil and cultivate in their cadets what were once commonly referred to as the virtues of southern manhood — honour , chivalry and devotion to God , state and family , ’ wrote one alumnus in a letter to a newspaper .
4 But his contemporaries were impressed by a literate and articulate sixteen-year-old , his political views formed and matured in the Irish conflict .
5 The waste is a small perquisite that hath been granted us for several hundred years past , which we are able to prove by our ancient Books of Record , which have been no less than 14 or 15 times ratified and confirmed at the General Quarter Sessions .
6 Believe me , it is far harder at such times to sit and look on than to be in the middle , ’ he told Sunday Express readers .
7 It is all too easy to spend a back-breaking couple of hours weeding the garden and never take ten minutes to sit and look at the flowers .
8 The chain joining the handcuffs chinked and pulled at her wrist as he moved , and resentment won .
9 Hamburg , for example , has about 30–40 per cent of its road system designated as 50 km/h main streets , with all of the remaining non-industrial roads designated or planned as Tempo 30 .
10 The band had been thrown together at the last moment ; and none of the musicians looked or sounded as if he was enjoying the experience .
11 The liquid notes rose and flowed round the chandelier , already removed from its dust bag ready for the Season .
12 I put my Knights to work and drift into sleep .
13 Eyewitnesses indicate that ‘ the couple spent three hours laughing and cuddling at a Melbourne nightclub . ’
14 of those retiring now own their own homes , they do so thanks almost solely to the policies pursued and enacted by the Government .
15 Of these , 54 are company owned and operated by salaried managers , while the other 99 are tied houses owned and operated by tenants .
16 The international aims of the symposia are the following : To promote inter-institutional collaborative research ; To allow junior researchers to meet and discuss with established researchers ; To engender interest in , and enthusiasm for , infancy research ; To produce publications , with contributions from the symposium attenders ; To serve as a major focus for infancy research in this country .
17 Leonard spent hours walking and cycling around the neighbourhood looking for it .
18 In short , not only does the user have a better time , the support desk gets far fewer calls to come and deal with apparent equipment failures .
19 There are now some 275 all over the country : they 're savings-and-loans clubs owned and run by their members .
20 It is like the tiny mustard seed which grows into a sizeable bush that provides sufficient shade for the birds to come and shelter in its branches ( Matt.
21 If we can persuade birds to come and perch on it in a row fairly close together we have obviously made it much easier to see the wire .
22 If we can now persuade more birds to come and perch on top of the first lot we can in principle build up the wire to any thickness we choose .
23 By doing business , inviting foreign experts to work and teach inside China and opening up the country to the world , progress seemed certain .
24 When the venture was launched in 1970 , Elaine Moss had a ‘ mere ’ 2,000 titles to sift and select from .
25 Swirls of clouds billowed down from the Towers and the glaciers hung vertically , suspended like gigantic icicles , while flocks of birds scattered and spun before them , helpless in the wild turbulence .
26 But this is reality , not the world of arts subsides and grants to which Ms Pith-Helmet aspires to belong .
27 Cabals manipulated and machinated behind the scenes .
28 But in the nature of things … " and here he twisted his red lips to signal and to share with them the perspectives of this operation " certain approaches have to be tentative and even apparently , ad hoc .
29 Images scanned and printed on a 300dpi system using 32 levels of grey look surprisingly good ; better than you might expect at any rate .
30 Although no breakthrough was achieved in the discussions , the Japanese delegation offered its approval of North Korea 's signature of the safeguards accord and called for an early inspection of the country 's nuclear facilities .
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