Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [noun pl] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His conclusion that the case did not fall within the class of cases involving unlawful demands colore officii is in line with what I consider to be the correct approach as enunciated by Isaacs and Windeyer JJ .
2 The company , which is raising the money in a two-for-five rights issue at 155p a share , said attractive opportunities to increase investments were in sight with tenant demand increasing .
3 After 24 hours haematocrit values were within the normal range ( 44 ( 1 ) % ) .
4 AN INQUIRY into the rates credit card companies charge shops is to be carried out by the Office of Fair Trading .
5 As lobbying becomes fierce for lottery licenses here , across the Atlantic how companies win contracts is under investigation .
6 Council officials say lives were at risk from mechanical defects , including faulty brakes .
7 Persons tending cattle were to be required to have certificates for animals found outside of their branded subdivisions .
8 Health check:A free company health check to help businesses cut costs is on offer from Barclays Commercial Services the aim is to identify and then set about solving cash flow problems .
9 The most obvious mechanism available for governing bodies to involve teachers is via the teacher-governors .
10 Life saver : A pioneering scheme of expert coaching to reduce fatal accidents involving children is to be launched in Southport in November .
11 ‘ The number of housing starts is up on January 1991 ; the ratio of average prices to average salaries is at its lowest number for years ; and the economy , especially in the North-East , looks set to improve . ’
12 But with medical resources stretched to breaking point , spending by everyone from country doctors to top surgeons is under scrutiny , and rightly so .
13 The police believe magistrates are under pressure to grant bail , even when officers advise them it could be dangerous .
14 Agatha Christie 's many clues involving mirrors are of this material type .
15 They were elaborately staged : flags and crosses of Lorraine decorated the podium ; ex-resisters , locals dressed in traditional regional costume , and children carrying flowers were on hand to greet the General .
16 37 per cent of the students returning questionnaires were in receipt of a CASE award from SERC , while 62 per cent held an ordinary research studentship ( two students did not answer ) .
17 A further issue raised in these comparisons is that the A-level points scores of students entering universities is on average considerably higher than that of students entering polytechnics ; Boumer and Hamed report that in 1983 the average A-level scores for CNM graduates was 5.4 while for university graduates it was 9.5 .
18 PEAS capital gains tax savings were of value only to those whose capital gains had in the given year exceeded the free allowance — not a predicament in which the average punter found himself .
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