Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] that way " in BNC.

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1 Gaining territory by right of conquest was an entirely acceptable way to expand an empire , but it remained to be seen if anyone had worked out any better methods than those of the Spanish for ruling the new subjects acquired in that way .
2 The judge may be mistaken in his judgment of what the legislature would have chosen , and even if he is right , this hypothetical legislative decision has not been announced in advance , so the ideal of protected expectations has in that way been compromised .
3 Now if that happens , the farmer would probably be prosecuted , and yet it is the case that many chickens die in that way every day .
4 Cos , in case there was a mistake and on one side and I , and I had quite a number of things accumulate in that way you know .
5 If he had enquired into it , he would have discovered that there are examples among Huguenot families of names changing in that way , but that nobody named Craingeau or Gringaud or anything else that might sound like Cranko is listed among the Huguenot settlers in South Africa .
6 Buses coming along that way ?
7 There was after all nothing remarkable about seeing two men kiss in that way at that time of the night .
8 The back of the house faces south , an avenue of giant elms and a few old oaks lay over that way .
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