Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] through the " in BNC.

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31 Upon repair , the screws were replaced by bolts passing right through the timbers , and many of the pine timbers were replaced by lengths of jarrah wood .
32 Its round towers and conical turrets peep unexpectedly through the trees on the hills north of Cardiff .
33 A single-glazed window has a ‘ cold zone ’ around it where you 'll get convection draughts ( as well as the draughts coming in through the gaps ) .
34 Warning lights on the steel supports blinked feebly through the mist .
35 Sticks against the dashboards , diving , brakes on , down , down , down … the more reckless pilots dived down through the barrage , but those with more vivid imaginations pulled out of their dives several hundred feet above the shellbursts .
36 Graceful spikes of lords-and-ladies pushed up through the earth below white-blossomed blackthorn .
37 Each day at low tide these extraordinary microscopic plants glide up through the sand to soak up the sun 's energy for photosynthesis .
38 Similarly , damage to the ancient Chinese fang ding and the lead solder used to repair it are clearly visible on the radiograph ( fig. 8.8c ) , in which the X-rays pass easily through the restorer 's plaster and false patina .
39 Lights glowed dimly through the woodland .
40 I could see her paws sticking out through the wire door and she was making one hell of a racket .
41 THE pathetic objections voiced by the Lords to allowing peerages to pass on through the female line really rammed home to me how outmoded this institution is .
42 As he did so , the three fire tenders roared in through the newly created gap .
43 The tiny river sounds came in through the open hatches .
44 Secondly , the feelings about parental figures are strong ; this is an emotionally highly charged area to work in , where each person 's experience will be unique ; family rules and prohibitions handed down through the generations hold sway .
45 Birds leave their roosts and take to the skies ; monkeys jump away through the branches to find breakfast , and antelope disperse once more over the open plains to graze , knowing that if danger comes they stand a good chance of seeing it before it gets lethally close .
46 The seventy seven year old collapsed after five police officers clambered in through the window to arrest her grandson .
47 I know the Counsellors restrict your access to books , but there must be legends , stories handed down through the years .
48 When the fungus is finished with its host , large club-shaped fruiting structures punch out through the insect 's exoskeleton , leaving the lifeless husk grotesquely studded with bizarre outgrowths .
49 The exhaust air from three driers pass up through the tower and is cleaned by liquid sprayed down through the tower .
50 Robot tenders puttered briskly through the water , humming to themselves .
51 James Lamb as Mayor — he was thirteen times Mayor of Rye — had with his jurors to ride out through the wild windy night to rescue his royal guest for whom he gave up his own bedroom .
52 Goods brought in through the Port of London were widely distributed by way of the River Thames and the Grand Union Canal which linked to the Midlands .
53 Planners are not skiers ( unfortunately ) and they do n't seem able to read a map either because some of the lines defining their concentric rings go right through the middle of existing ski areas , particularly at Glenshee .
54 If rabbits do become cornered and then located there are no difficulties digging down through the minor roots from the thicket .
55 As one would expect , the majority of the sentenced prisoners coming in through the gates had received short terms , but 121 ( 13 per cent ) had been admitted to serve sentences over five years and 84 of these had received life imprisonment for murder .
56 Their views trickled down through the student nurses ' years and were apt to be accepted as gospel , since that saved the students the bother of forming opinions for themselves , and also it was not often a student in her first couple of years , if not longer , had the opportunity to form any opinion on our men .
57 He reached out and touched her shoulder briefly , the warmth of his fingers travelling instantly through the beaded silk to set her skin , so sensitive to his touch for some reason , on fire .
58 Xu 's generation is now categorised as ‘ middle-age ’ — chefs who have gained their qualification through professional training which enhances areas of traditional standards and techniques passed down through the generations .
59 The longer upper tusks grow upwards through the skin and curve backwards over the eyes .
60 Suragai came up through the trees .
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