Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The values given here are from subsequent heating and cooling cycles applied slowly .
2 However , the renaming of revered academically institutions has not been without problems .
3 My position on the Jews has always been without ambiguity .
4 If society in all its aspects has always been in a state of flux , it is highly unlikely that this process will end at any particular time .
5 Both brothers had never been in any kind of trouble before .
6 Many of the marchers had never been on a CND march .
7 But the facts were that most Frenchmen had not been in the Resistance and that the Resistance itself was divided into different groups .
8 These sectors had long been in decline — reflecting the decline of the UK as a world economic power — so the people of these regions did not have the buying power to attract the new consumer goods industries .
9 A party of Teesside journalists have recently been on a fact-finding tour of ICI 's Group Environmental Laboratory at Brixham , Devon .
10 My previous relationships have all been with women I 've been able to like and respect at the same time as I 've desired them . ’
11 German supporters have also been on the rampage .
12 Chinese rugs have long been in tune with Western colour schemes , and a growing number of Anatolian groups are now producing traditional and Caucasian designs in much softer shades .
13 The bones illustrated here are from a vole carcase and are extensively scored with tooth marks ( Fig. 1.3 A-C ) .
14 Nowadays , with increasing pressure on parliamentary time not even the periods indicated above are in reality wholly available for genuine Private Members ' business .
15 The communists had never been in a better position than they were in in , in nineteen forty eight , the civil war was , was clearly going in their favour erm they were to achieve power within eighteen months and at precisely the point where they had everything going for them , they are adopting the most moderate policy .
16 In 1885 the two countries had even been on bad enough terms to recall their respective ambassadors .
17 Sam took Nutty and her team up in the car straight after the last lesson ; Nails had not been around which was just as well as the car did not hold more than five .
18 When the latter siege had ended successfully , Molla Yegan came to Mehmed II to congratulate him and remarked that his prayers had continually been with him .
19 Similarly , the interglacial periods have not been of the same duration and have presumably not resulted in equal melting of the ice .
20 Media spend on the personal care brands through LH-S totalled just over £1m , but the brands have historically been worth much more .
21 Neither Gran nor my parents have ever been in Italy .
22 I conducted the First Symphony during the war but the first two symphonies have always been for me a little to close to Tchaikovsky .
23 I should say that these errors have all been without exception quite trivial in themselves .
24 Most of the blocks mentioned here are at the physical level , but the emotional and mental blocks are equally important .
25 His concerns have consistently been with education and with youth .
26 Rationalists and moralists have always been at least a little uneasy about admitting that so much that they most value comes out of the vast area of human behaviour which shares the spontaneity of physical events .
27 What happens , what other effects have there been as a result of protectionism in agricultural trade ?
28 Pre-twentieth-century poetic texts have commonly been at the core of syllabuses in the older universities , whereas the novel and more contemporary writing are commonly at the centre ( or at least imagined by many in the academic establishment to be the centre ) of course structures within the newer universities and polytechnics , institutions which are also usually viewed as less socially elite .
29 ‘ The finest views are from the bottom , and at some places a little above it , but few dare venture to the bottom particularly those females whose pedestrian excursions have chiefly been upon level ground ; nay the male sex are often appalled with a view of the way , and many a Bond-street gentleman , in his stable costume , would rather hazard his neck four-in-hand , than risk it by having his arms precariously supported by the twigs and branches he may find in his way to the gulph below . ’
30 The secretiveness of the Alien Office 's work makes it difficult to provide details of Brooke 's activities : ‘ My duties have ever been of the most confidential nature , ’ he wrote to R. B. Jenkinson , second Earl of Liverpool , in 1809 .
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