Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Were the activities undertaken suited to the capacities of the children ?
2 The erm draft of or the advice that the local planning authorities intend to give to the secretary of state is currently out for consultation , we hope that it will be submitted by the end of the year .
3 MPs who on the whole tend to be rather casual about going to meetings organised for their benefit by pressure groups tend to go to the nuclear forum , because it is always well-structured and organised , and because they can then say to constituents who work in either the nuclear industry or the nuclear supply industry that they have been , and still are , taking an interest in the decisions that affect those particular electors .
4 But despite all the authorities ' attempts to pretend that all goes well , the birthday celebrations are moving forward in the shadow of a public mood of national crisis , dramatised by the tens of thousands of East Germans struggling to flee to the West in recent weeks .
5 ‘ Preoccupation with Cd values has led to the boring shapes we have become all too familiar with . ’
6 Mr Fred Pritchard a member of a firm of fruit merchants has written to the Council suggesting that members of the trade petition the Watch Committee to consider Thom 's position with a full knowledge of the facts .
7 The increased importance of standardised informational support for both machines and operators has led to the concept of procedures as a separate design issue within a system ( Fig. 1.30 ) .
8 ‘ The van I used to use to transport my bikes has come to the end of its day , and Bill Doig has very kindly offered me the use of the station van if it is not required for company duties . ’
9 The application of the Treaty provisions to actual cases has led to the development of the following principles : Exhaustion of rights : where the right owner has put articles into circulation ( directly or with his consent ) he can not subsequently use his rights to prevent further dealings in respect of those articles .
10 Party leaders should be free to devise programmes designed to appeal to the electorate as a whole , and they should only have to hold themselves vaguely accountable to the people through the direct mechanism of regular general elections .
11 Conspicuous support for sporting and other activities has contributed to the rising public approval of the Quit campaign and of antismoking measures generally .
12 The threat of targeting US-based British businesses for more taxes has led to the conclusion in some quarters that Clinton is less pro-free trade than his predecessor .
13 It has been felt for some time that the procedure and forms relating to the granting of legal aid in criminal causes could be improved , and the introduction of legal aid in the District Courts has led to the position being scrutinised and a new procedure and application form introduced .
14 The interpretation of these patterns has led to the following significant observations :
15 First , to the extent that an issue is expressly covered by the Convention it displaces rules of national law that might otherwise apply and thereby renders otiose conflict-of-laws rules designed to lead to the selection of the applicable national law .
16 RIGHT The collapse , levelling and rebuilding of mud brick houses has led to the formation of huge mounds in some parts of the world .
17 One of Edinburgh 's most unusual houses has opened to the public , for the first time in nearly twenty years .
18 The use of strategies varied according to the occupational category : at the professional and managerial level , 82 per cent of employers used strategy 2 , and at the technician level it was used by 74 per cent .
19 Certainly there have been cases after Alladice , including the one in which these remarks were made , where infraction of the rules has led to the resultant evidence being declared inadmissible .
20 Unless those eight masked High Masters were sufficiently confident in their associates to try to journey to the next galaxy and back — in some incredible megaship — to take advantage of time-compression !
21 The concern of some researchers has extended to the ways in which boys are allowed to dominate girls in schools .
22 Because several tutors failed to keep to the new time table for applications the Board has decided that they will have to revert to the original dates for the Written Examination entries .
23 All weights given refer to the extra-large size or equivalent .
24 Does he not therefore find it extraordinary that the Labour and Liberal parties remain committed to the abolition of grant maintained schools and that in local government they are waging a relentless campaign against G M schools , as typified by the behaviour of Essex County Council .
25 Those troubles — referred to as the ‘ Irish Rebellion ’ — were overcome only by violent methods used by the ‘ Black and Tans ’ , plus some restless ex-soldiers , known as the ‘ Auxiliaries ’ , and when the facts of those violent methods became known to the British public , they were declared unacceptable — despite the outrages which Sinn Fein had instituted in London and the bombings in Belfast .
26 For the moment , buying almost anything in east Germany apart from the groceries involves talking to the Treuhandanstalt , the trust body charged with privatising the territory 's 8,000 enterprises .
27 Dealers often advised pet clients to demand to speak to the chairman .
28 As the conference afternoon wore on , two Gardai were noticed at the back of the hall standing , ears bent listening to the speeches .
29 Pollution in the Great Lakes has grown to the extent that it is a " a hazard to human health " , according to a report prepared by a joint US-Canadian team .
30 It may be that it is those least disposed to commit suicide who join the cult in the first place , but at least the systematic comparison of variables has led to the question being raised .
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