Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun] [coord] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Er in December nineteen eighty eight er I was a police constable , I was stationed at I was er a firearms instructor in the operations department and also a tactical advisor .
2 Councillor paid tribute to the Personnel Department and particularly the staff of the Construction Skills Training Centre .
3 This was primarily due to the Allies ’ possession not only of AWACS aircraft but also the photographic coverage provided by earth-orbiting satellites .
4 The other safe options will be cold : chefs salad or perhaps a salad niçoise .
5 As prices rise , the value of transactions rises and so the demand for money rises .
6 No , it 's not about taking chances in the commodities market but rather a kind of theatre of concern about human potential in our era of heightened environmental concern .
7 PURCHASING Orford Ness , the coastal shingle spit once used for atomic weapons research and now a wildlife haven , will cost the National Trust £3.11 million , it was revealed yesterday .
8 In efforts to reduce the region 's dependency on Europe , AMU Foreign and Economic Ministers meeting in December examined draft proposals to establish , in three stages by the year 2000 , a free trade zone , a customs union and finally a common market .
9 thirty days training and then the next the next year ten
10 For the S&P500 index from June 1982 to September 1982 , the no-arbitrage equation was found by Cornell and French ( 1983a ; 1983b ) to overpredict the actual price of index futures contracts , that is , the theoretical ( or no-arbitrage ) futures price exceeded the actual futures price and so the future was underpriced .
11 This completes a successful nine months for Gourlay which has seen her become the Scottish indoor and outdoor singles champion and now the world champion .
12 In 1979 Marsh published a study which attempted to assess the price effects of rights issues and consequently the semi-strong efficiency of the London Stock Exchange .
13 The settlement brought great relief to the whole of the Public Relations Department and clearly the indigenous officers of it needed to be trained for the new situation .
14 Higher birth-rates among ethnic-minority groups , urban house-building projects , the running down of the new-towns programme and perhaps an improvement in environmental conditions in the cities may all have contributed to this .
15 But it is necessary to take into account not only the specific features of given industrial relations arrangements but also the environmental context which impinges upon them , and therefore the appropriateness of any transfer to a different context .
16 One possibility for the decrease in antral carcinomas over time is a decrease in H pylori infection and hence a fall in the prevalence of chronic gastritis .
17 I drew a rolls royce and not a plane .
18 They won short corners without being able to penetrate the Old Loughtonians defence and often the final pass went astray , so when the second goal came , the large crowd knew it was all over .
19 We have 3D variants , Windows versions and now the most infuriating of them all …
20 We were to drive to Paris the long way , via cups of steaming chocolat on the quayside in Honfleur and a saucisson and baguette picnic on the back seat outside the Palace of Versailles : some motorway , some back roads , some Routes Nationales and then the Peripherique and Paris .
21 Reading this morning I get the impression that the win was rightfully scums ( as we all know , so is every other competition going : - } ) and it was only the fact that they were playing in such a ‘ cauldron of hate ’ that denied them their place in the champions league and inevitably the trophy itself .
22 In addition to the consumer who plans to buy the car , there is a dealer who runs a franchised retail outlet , a property owner from whom he leases the premises , a finance company which provides the consumer purchasers with credit , and a manufacturing company which supplies the dealer with automobiles under a requirements contract and probably a credit arrangement as well .
23 ‘ Encounters ’ rarely result in any police casualties and invariably the only witness to these alleged events are the security forces themselves .
24 Specials share almost all the usual police responsibilities and just a small insignia on the epaulette distinguishes them from their regular colleagues .
25 Specials share almost all the usual police responsibilities and just a small insignia on the epaulette distinguishes them from their regular colleagues .
26 Under this section , the police authority and not the chief officer of police , has the responsibility for ensuring the complaint is investigated .
27 That was bad enough , but worse was to follow — the flying squad , then police recruitment and then a desk job in the police housing division .
28 After they had been photographed , after the scene of crime team had swarmed in and over them , after the police surgeon and then a pathologist had done all that had to be done in that room , the bodies still stayed where they were .
29 Two terrorists plus one police sergeant and apparently a civilian .
30 The details you give are assessed according to a points system and then the bank may check with a credit reference agency to see whether you have a previous record of not paying your debts .
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