Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 So when they held dinner-parties Scarlet skimped on the smoked salmon , and Brian rebuked her for her graceless parsimony .
2 ‘ A Bishop 's favourite ’ were the words Wheeler wrote on the Crockford list , ’ Theodora pointed out .
3 In other words Locke argues on the basis of his general notion of the relationship between the individual and God and the individual and his fellow human beings , erm Locke argues that the individual in the state of nature has what one may fairly call legislative and executive authority over others .
4 Stephen Whiteheadof Whitehead & Partners , another school fees specialist , recommends various savings options depending on the period before the first school fees fall due .
5 The project will compare expert and novice users ' responses to several GIS map displays on a range of map evaluation task .
6 In a report on accident and emergency provision , published yesterday , the Commons public accounts committee called on the Scottish Office to maintain close checks on the employment of first year , pre-registration junior doctors in four rural and island hospitals , and to end the practice as soon as possible .
7 There is , though , quite a time lag before the Public Accounts Committee reports on the Appropriation Accounts .
8 Other optical effects , such as the montaged graphics sequence showing the Doctor , Sara and Bret being ‘ matter transported ’ to Mira helped inspire the Effects Designers working on the stargate sequences for Kubrick 's 2001 : A Space Odyssey .
9 But , as usual , an All Blacks team depends on the back row and Jamie Joseph , Zinzan Brooke and the gifted Michael Jones must be tamed if the Lions are to have a chance .
10 There is a local problem of some substance , the police have been there , it is a matter because of circumstances people driving on the wrong side of the road , it 's certainly dangerous conditions er and I think it 's reasonable to er take up councillor the this is the practical problem the committee could look at tonight .
11 Normally anyone who receives an award in an Honours List attends on a particular day at the Palace when Her Majesty confers them wholesale .
12 In some of the remotest areas swans nest on the dykes but more frequently they are the breeding ground for moorhens .
13 In some of the remotest areas swans nest on the dykes but more frequently they are the breeding ground for moorhens .
14 Their priorities are virtually identical — the rapid establishment of a secure settlements system based on the removal of costly paper movements coupled to the phased introduction of rolling settlement which is competitive with the systems of other key financial centres and which can ultimately meet the group FO 30 's recommendations for a rolling three-day settlement system , T+3 .
15 As we received the Minutes of the Personnel Meeting held on the eighteenth of October , nineteen ninety-three .
16 Far too much attention goes to the final judgements readers offer on the text , not enough to the context within which such remarks are generated .
17 Police are braced for a traffic nightmare today as more than half a million sports fans converge on the capital for this morning 's ADT London Marathon and the Rumbelows League Cup Final at Wembley .
18 ‘ I WOULD like to see a good sports journalist reporting on the House of Commons ’ — Kate Hoey , Labour MP and Arsenal supporter .
19 We can not stress enough how much the grant from the Sports Council depends on the present 3000+ members being increased .
20 For his early days Willie relied on the old ‘ eyeballing ’ method of judging distance for clubs .
21 A party of gardai and customs officers swooped on the scenic seaside village of Rosscarberry at dawn today to make the seizure .
22 Santa Ana , California-based California Software Products International Inc has announced the RPG400 debugger which is included in the new version 3 of its Baby/4XX Report Program Generator for AS/400s and personal computers : the debugger has been designed to improve applications development based on the Baby/4XX system , which enables stand-alone personal computers to emulate the AS/400 ; the debugger is free to current users — version 1.3 of the Baby/4XX system is £2,500 .
23 In most regions of the country there were now inter-institute or inter-club sports matches played on a league basis .
24 By the mid-1980s scientists working on the problem were sufficiently sure about the amount of helium in the universe to say that there were probably only three types of neutrino , and thus only three generations .
25 Pressures to reduce the impact weapons systems costs on the defence budget have led to systems being purchased from abroad , invariably from the US .
26 The effect of the income tax system on the budget constraint that individuals face depends on the precise nature of the tax system .
27 This simile continued in use even in recent times , with The Times newspaper commenting on the American Civil War as follows :
28 It is interesting to observe how the usage of the drawing sub-files changes depending on the person 's role .
29 Most open futures positions are closed out before delivery by taking out an offsetting position ( e.g. the seller of a contract buys an equivalent contract ) , but the delivery process is important in ensuring that the futures price converges on the spot price on the delivery date .
30 His career at Thame had been full of promise , attested by the Oxford University Local Examinations certificate framed on the walls of the terraced house in Cardiff in which I grew up .
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