Example sentences of "[adj] point [adv] [is] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The crucial point now is that the evidence of one 's senses is not just what we appeal to in justification and verification .
2 None the less , the striking point here is that they have this central feature in common : not just that they both see the life of reason as important , but also that there is a distinctiveness about the quality , character and significance of reason when it is taken up seriously , which marks it out from conventional human experience .
3 The key point here is that it only attempts to link the islands into a loosely coupled way , and avoids the expensive development work needed to synchronise the two systems together exactly .
4 The important point here is that Aristotle 's women are not autonomous , not because they lack abilities or capacities but because they lack authority ; that is , their right to make decisions , to speak for themselves is not acknowledged .
5 ‘ The critical point here is that this will not only affect high income earners but all people owning property .
6 Occasionally several males may form loose groups together , but whether they do this or not the essential point here is that it is the combined efforts of the females that control the herd , and rear and defend the young .
7 The essential point here is that the producer must show that the defect was the inevitable result of compulsory compliance with domestic or Community law .
8 Different large-scale multi-divisional enterprises may exploit these advantages in different degrees , according to the form and degree of diversification they have developed and according to the particular effectiveness of their management , but the general point here is that these advantages can not be written off as financial/speculative considerations .
9 The significant point here is that , even when they stopped drinking , the impairment of memory remained .
10 The most significant point here is that , whilst being ultimately sharp , quick-witted and astute , there is an alarmingly modest side to them as well ( maybe to be expected seeing as they 've barely put a distance between themselves and their former life in factory jobs and college courses ) .
11 The significant point here is that this would itself be a distraction from the study of Chaucer 's fabliaux , the Shipman 's Tale , and fragment VII .
12 The significant point however is that the speaker is evoking his view of the possibility of the daring , and it is only by logical implication that we infer his opinion of its realization .
13 The main point here is that not only did the Labour leaders reject the left 's version of the social contract with its new emphasis on a radical industrial policy , but also they increasingly came to question even the Crosland/Fabian/ ‘ Keynesian ’ version of socialism , so that their politics in the latter half of the 1970s became more and more of a mere holding operation — mere ‘ government ’ lacking any social purpose with a broad popular appeal .
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