Example sentences of "[adj] men [Wh pn] [vb past] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 So I wondered what chance I had of outstaying Lebanese men who had picked up their first Kalashnikov aged six , or the Vietnamese man who had seen his mother raped before going on to kill his first Cambodian at the age when I was doing my Common Entrance .
2 Three old men who had worked in the mines were found " … being all there alive in this County " , and based upon their evidence — " An account of the names of the severall Copper Workes or Mynes in Coniston fells that wer wrought in , when the smelt houses were up at Keswick .
3 Controls were drug users positive for HIV , drug users negative for HIV , and homosexual men who had seroconverted .
4 A pensioner has been robbed at gunpoint after confronting two masked men who 'd broken into her home .
5 The negotiating cell of the gang had brutally dismantled Ubaldo Valesio 's skull with a sub machine gun while the hard men who had executed Ruggerio had done so with a small hand-gun , a bedside toy for nervous householders .
6 By 1922 the team of brilliant men who had governed for the past six years could not but see themselves as irreplaceable .
7 This feature of quantum mechanics proved very distasteful to some of the very men who had helped to create the subject .
8 The profiles of outstanding men who 'd achieved a lot were supposed to give data for the development of new drugs .
9 Without raising his head , the Doctor threw the car into reverse , inadvertently hitting one of the Luger-toting men who had stepped out behind them .
10 All of them were big men who had drawn lots for the honour of the occasion , and carefully they lifted Artai and carried him up the short flight of steps to the summit of the plinth .
11 The two Governors after Paullinus were diplomats and administrators and not like the military men who had caused so much havoc .
12 The young Palestinian men who had gathered in the room to hear her story sat quietly , knowing that she would finish her grief and that this was a ritual even if it was a deeply felt one .
13 Scenes from the evening flashed before her eyes : the dignity of the old man to whom Ludovico had gently presented her and with whom she had performed a stately dance , delicately held in his wizened old arms ; the young men who had made a ring around her and Ludo before lifting them on to their shoulders and carrying them back to Santo Spirito ; the women who had caressed her blonde hair and whispered , ‘ Bella !
14 He was an effortless survival of the 1930s , where fiction had abounded in well-meaning young men who had striven to Do the Right Thing and come to grief , at least till the last page of the story .
15 Having played little part in the August riots ( epitomised by the derisory slogan , ‘ IRA — I Ran Away ’ ) , old IRA men came out of retirement ( Rose , 1972 ) and ‘ there was a steady stream of recruits from young men who had seen houses and streets burnt down by Loyalist mobs and who 'd been unable to prevent them ’ ( Farrell , 1980:267 ) .
16 Many of the mourners were young men who had grown up with her sons .
17 The young men who had grown to manhood in the past fourteen years had had no experience of war , and little of fighting , other than the kind that might break out between neighbours , or the kind they saw during their service at court , when a raid on coast or frontier had to be repelled , or the King 's justice enforced .
18 Nevertheless , she had been forced to agree with Geoffrey , her vicar , when , after a local deanery chapter meeting , he 'd said that a stranger might be forgiven for supposing that the Church of England in south London was staffed by middle-aged ex-lorry drivers , recruited via the Southwark Ordination Course , plus a sprinkling of very young men who had found their accountancy examinations too arduous .
19 The south Wales constabulary interviewed young men who had committed these offences and the factors involved were set out .
20 As with most young men who had succeeded in sowing casual wild oats , it was a case of get away as fast as you can before they start getting ideas .
21 ‘ Thank you , ’ she said warmly to the young men who had brought her plates of food .
22 Tables and benches were put right , the unconscious bodies revived and the two young men who had started the fray were led bloodied and dishevelled from the hall .
23 I thought about all the young men who 'd climbed into those machines and the death they 'd seen and the death they 'd made and the death they 'd received .
24 By the early seventies , Teheran was littered with forgotten men who had worked in the government or the court and had once-once was too often-dared to question a decision or a policy and had thenceforth been frozen out of all official life .
25 By restricting the right to vote to fully accepted church members , political power in Massachusetts was placed in the hands of the godly men who had led the expedition ; those who had joined the expedition merely in the hope of a better standard of living found their efforts justified by success because , despite some difficult times in the 1630s , the labouring population in the colony by the 1640s was fairly certainly more prosperous than they would have been if they had stayed in England , and about 20,000 people had settled in New England at a total cost of about £200,000 .
26 Most of the local men who had come for the conventicle , had come armed in case of a surprise attack , and many of the others agreed to arm themselves , but additional men would be required if the Dragoons were to be confronted .
27 The frustration was perhaps greatest among the senior men who had come from the company sector , but municipal engineers also could find the professional , full-time and expert Central Authority control daunting in comparison with the earlier part-time , politically-appointed municipal electricity committees which had been easier to manipulate .
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