Example sentences of "[adj] place of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Acute hardship persisted until widows ' pensions — granted in 1925 — ameliorated the problem , but even then ambivalent feelings on the part of the authorities about the proper place of the able-bodied widow persisted .
2 The by-product of his work is to vindicate the proper place of the Christian intellectual within the community .
3 La Coruňa was our favourite place of the whole trip .
4 Although religious history may be interpreted to indicate that this struggle has been undertaken at the behest of , or in support of , some extraterrestrial ‘ god ’ , this is not really correct , and none of those ancient ‘ gods ’ must be allowed to usurp the rightful place of the emerging Created God .
5 He spoke about the Jews in an Egyptian context , though the fragment preserved by Diodorus and quoted by Photius does not allow us to see the exact place of the Jewish excursus in the plan of his book .
6 Agriculture , too , felt the wind of change , with an agronomist , Rafael Cavestany , taking the ministerial place of the Falangist Carlos Reín .
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