Example sentences of "[adj] when it [vb -s] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sarella smiled happily , pushing her other feelings aside and admitting , ‘ I 'm superstitious when it comes to work .
2 Yes , but then when that income 's paid in , half of the income 's taxable when it 's assessed for you , and half would be paid gross to your wife , you know it 's a diff it 's a different , it 's a different er
3 glad when it 's done .
4 And when you 've er loose them in the fore end or the front of the lock or do anything like that that article as it 's in , when you lock it out it 's got ta fit just as tight when it 's locked out as when it 's in .
5 ‘ I have been lucky when it has come to the crunch but in life you make your own luck .
6 There let your fish rest until you are ready to serve it : warm with a sauce of your own devising — variations on the hollandaise theme always go down well — or cold when it has cooled .
7 The result is a lyrical prose particularly effective when it serves to embody a singing climax at strategic points — a not unsurprising tactical manoeuvre on the part of a writer trying to intimate the reality of a mystical experience which he expresses as transposing everyday speech to song .
8 Yes , but it 's good when it 's done you see !
9 The problem with archers is that they are extremely vulnerable when it comes to close combat .
10 Gravel tidies have been found to be invaluable when it comes to fish digging .
11 I think the regrettable thing about the parking in in the town is the way that some of the disabled slots at the surgery are taken by the cars of people who are perfectly able to walk from the car park , and I think the great problem we 're going to have is we 're going to rely on the public spiritedness of our fellow townspeople and there does seem to be a fair group of people who are extremely selfish when it comes to come to parking .
12 Well , I mean , it 's a sticky wicket for them anyway politically and I suspect as with a lot of legislation quite recently they simply have n't spent the time in committee and in consultation to iron out the details and they 've come unstuck when it 's come into the public domain and it 's been easy for people to throw up the paradoxes that are coming up from the legislation , the moral paradoxes .
13 it will be nice when it 's done , I mean last weekend he sorted out the doorway which was n't half knocking out
14 The biggest snag , says Mr Moore , is that some of the company 's employees expect too much of the new system , and are disappointed when it fails to deliver miracles .
15 David cheerfully admits to being ‘ very uninhibited when it comes to colour ’ .
16 This is then forgotten or repressed when it seems to have vanished altogether and there 's a third period , what Freud calls the return of the repressed when the initial trauma comes back in the form of symptoms and er ideally in the form of an analysis that finally brings it to the surface of consciousness and dissolves it , and this is a typical pattern .
17 And may I say very clearly and unequivocally at the outset , that it is abhorrent when it does happen to us because there 's no place for it , quite simply because er it is counterproductive to cohesion , and cohesion is the basis for operational effectiveness , and when there is an incident of bullying then we very promptly and thoroughly investigate it , and that investigation is followed , if there 's a case to be brought , by a trial of the chap that 's guilty .
18 To Sir Thomas Fanny is socially acceptable and both Fanny and Edmund will be secure when it comes to finance .
19 But amazingly we are just as careless when it comes to bank notes .
20 I think it looks alright when it 's cut back .
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