Example sentences of "[adj] when [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Horse it up well and proper when you 're gathering up the damned folk .
2 ‘ Because it looks more proper when I am looking after a patient . ’
3 It 's totally different when you 're taking drugs and when you 're dealing them .
4 I know , but it 's different when you 're concentrating
5 It was different when she was snatched away by Decca a couple of years later .
6 Italians only find skiing interesting when they 're shouting epithets or carving each other up , which makes for severe anxiety neurosis among less passionate mortals .
7 The project suddenly became interesting when they were forcing deuterium in to a 1 cm 3 block of palladium ( ‘ charging the palladium ’ ) by means of a 1.5 amp electrical current .
8 And you were n't you see you actually used to be interesting when you were talking and sit complete miserable bastard like Patrick does .
9 This theory became popular when it was observed that , in many cases , flying objects , noises and mischief all appeared to centre around an ‘ owner ’ .
10 It is n't even known where on Krakatoa the eruption was centred , but the chances are that it was Perboewetan , since the lava flows in the crater looked extremely fresh when they were examined in the nineteenth century .
11 The discovery that oriented bars and edges were the trigger features for neurons in the visual cortex was enormously exciting when it was made thirty years ago , but Levick followed up their discovery and found that there are orientation selective neurons in rabbit retina as well as the directionally selective ones shown in Figure 4 .
12 But it was desolate when we were told it was n't going to be .
13 Erm a lot of people are n't so clear when they 're going straight ahead .
14 It had seemed quite clear when I was talking to Aunt Kit .
15 But to bring out questions , things that you felt in your groups that you would like to perhaps ask the others about , or came back and ask me , any particular points that you to read on or were n't clear when you were talking in a group , or things that you felt the others might you know , to talk about .
16 Morgan Klein ( 1985 ) , in her study of Scottish youth in residential care , concluded from her interviews with young people that they do want help , are often puzzled when communication fails to occur , and are bereft when it is abandoned .
17 I was very interested when you were talking about gardening this morning .
18 There is also a suggestion that the Council of Ministers meet in public when it is acting as a legislative body , a suggestion which some parliamentarians first attribute to Mr Tony Benn in his days as Energy Secretary .
19 The need for arousal thought well should I be absolutely calm when I 'm giving a presentation but I never am so is it right and now understanding that you need a certain level of arousal to be able to perform at all is is satisfying for me because at least I understand the situation now and able to work with it rather than against it .
20 ‘ I always found it very funny when I was referred to as Mr Laura Ashley , especially as I hated my own name , Bernard . ’
21 But I did n't know if I 'd done something wrong when I was taken away from my mother . ’
22 I get embarrassed when I 'm putting out there because so many people keep asking me how long and how many more times do you have to keep saying we 're waiting for the lorry to turn up .
23 I was quite wet when I was drinking the first Martini .
24 IBM had priced the Es relatively high when they were announced and did not fully appreciate the impact aggressive pricing might have had .
25 They was six , they was six or seven foot high when you were sat in them , were n't they ?
26 Hopes were high when it was found that even if the organizer tissue were killed it could still induce , for this offered the possibility of extracting the responsible chemical signal .
27 The carrier arrived at the King Edward Docks and excitement ran high when it was learned to be the Wasp once again .
28 Moreover , it was not harmful when it was injected into mice .
29 Be assertive when you are viewing a property .
30 Such action becomes particularly distasteful when it is carried out by elected representatives .
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