Example sentences of "[adj] time in [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My husband was a very good poet , as you know , but he was unlucky , one of those people who are always in the wrong place at the wrong time in his career .
2 Dean proved to be generally rude and disruptive to his fellow actors , and spent much of his free time in his dressing room , refusing to speak to anyone unless it directly concerned the film .
3 It may be possible to study for the course by distance learning , so that the modules can be covered at an appropriate time in your training .
4 Government in not allowing them passports until 1985 might have protected the children at a crucial time in their development .
5 He said the scheme could give confidence to youngsters who were in danger of losing it at a crucial time in their lives through adverse family or other circumstances .
6 The nomination comes at a crucial time in her life .
7 He had seen the Greycoats ' boys training and , for the first , serious time in his life , felt himself an alien .
8 By the end of the 1980s it was nonetheless possible to say that the USSR was more directly involved in the affairs of the world community than at any previous time in her history , not only at a formal intergovernmental level but also through a variety of personal , commercial , sporting , scientific and other channels .
9 General Alexander and his troops carried out a magnificent fighting retreat and held up the Japanese advance until the rains broke , thus saving four months ' valuable time in which preparations could be made to repel the Japs if they attempted to invade India .
10 ‘ They 're constantly telling them not to do this and not to do that , ’ she opined , curiously , at this most un-authoritarian time in our history .
11 Among humans , at this present time in our history , we have largely lost our ability to perceive directly the subtle aspects of our physical world .
12 He had expected her to drift away , but of all the people connected with that unhappy time in his life , she was the one who stayed .
13 He watched her fumble for an intentionally long time in her handbag for the means of lighting the Turkish cigarette she held aloft in her left hand , only a foot or so away from Mark 's head .
14 Unfortunately , this is the first winter for a long time in which Lowa has no distribution in Britain but I dare say someone will fill the gap before long .
15 Robert King 's series of concerts and workshops are proving invaluable at a time when authentic performance , a long time in its coming to these northern parts , is fast developing its own passionate audience .
16 Although the Laputans were kind to me , I did not want to spend a long time in their country .
17 No doubt No. 6 Commando were having a rough time in their area .
18 All might go well and you might simply relive and re-experience a happy time in your life .
19 I think the problem was he could n't get close enough to his father at an important time in his life ; he was frightened of the Colonel , and I do n't blame him .
20 After leaving school he spent a short time in his father 's office .
21 My billetors were kind , but I had to spend considerable time in their sitting-room , and I felt this was an invasion of privacy for both of us .
22 Erm if we overrun on Tuesday morning , then we have spare time in our programme for a week day .
23 Then I started putting all my spare time in my arm
24 Flanagan began the big Bangor revival , winning the Ulster Cup and taking the club into Europe for the only time in their history as League runners-up two years ago .
25 It was the only time in her life that she had noticed her maternal grandmother at a disadvantage , on the defensive .
26 It was the only time in her life when she was free of Doubts .
27 I could n't spell and about the only time in your life you 're not allowed to use a dictionary is in an English ‘ O ’ level exam . ’
28 ‘ Just for once , for p'raps the only time in your life , take a bit of advice from your elders and betters . ’
29 ‘ It was the only time in my life that I 've drifted , and I think maybe in order to grow you need to drift some .
30 It was the only time in my life I 've been a pain to my family .
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