Example sentences of "[adj] as it [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 One point the department is very clear on , the section paragraph five thirteen of P P G twelve is as crystal clear as it could be , the structure plan should indicate the general location of individual developments likely to have a significant effect on the plan area .
2 That the aggregate wealth of society is as high as it can be is of no moral value in itself ; what counts is the effect of increases in total wealth on the welfare of the individuals who make up society .
3 The Turks are worried that the meat they so painstakingly prepared will not be as tasty as it should be .
4 Going on tour , exposing yourself to the best that there is , painful as it might be , is the only way to get better .
5 Elijah Moshinsky directs with a light touch ( though not always quite as light as it should be ) , and Saul Radomsky 's tongue-in-cheek sets are a constant source of pleasure .
6 She feels the DoH guidance is not as detailed as it should be and , to some degree , is misleading .
7 By level 8 , the reading material is as demanding as it can be .
8 In fact , it was not as dark as it should be .
9 That title is perhaps a not quite as straight as it might be , it 's got a little bit of a kink in it .
10 Instead the Chevron is powered by a König 4 cylinder radial 2 stroke engine , a very neat lightweight unit which has separate pointless magnetos for each cylinder , so that magneto failure is not as serious as it might be .
11 The six-speed gearbox on the Antares is well synchronised , but shifting gears is not as easy as it could be .
12 For this reason the exchange of information is not as comprehensive as it might be .
13 Whilst Wallis ' notion of ‘ cultural defence ’ has been utilised here in addition to , rather than in place of , Gusfield 's notion of ‘ status defence ’ in accounting for the activities of the NVALA , Wallis ' explanation is perhaps not as comprehensive as it might be .
14 And the whole process is made as simultaneously agonising and amazing as it could be — you labour to give birth , that 's the right word all right , and it 's about as ghastly as possible and then at the end there 's this absolutely wonderful feeling , that the conspiracy has never hinted at , when you hold it and see it and you suddenly realise there 's a whole new emotion you did n't know anything about .
15 Sport is but one and , seductive as it may be , it is precarious and , inevitably , short-term .
16 She explained to Deborah James , chosen from 300 applicants , how she wanted ‘ the design system to be as perfect as it could be so that the accountants could not spoil it ’ — ‘ accountants ’ having now become for Laura a generic term for anyone not on the design team .
17 The unprimed will not necessarily be diagonal as it should be if it is to satisfy the first part of eqn ( 6.16 ) .
18 If what they say is derogatory , then that opinion ( false or unfair as it may be ) will be registered in the child 's subconscious mind and will grow and expand as he approaches adulthood .
19 Although curtains are sometimes made up in this fabric it is not always satisfactory as it can be rather stiff .
20 Indeed , an externally " imposed " reform would be welcome as it would be politically more acceptable than if it were initiated solely through domestic pressures .
21 Towards evening , Ian thought that he had better make certain that everything was in order , before the Colonel returned , and telephoned his friend : ‘ Now Ian , everything is just as fine as it should be ; you can tell the Colonel that his good lady will be well out to sea by now . ’
22 It follows that attempting to reduce error rates by one person checking another 's performance or automatically comparing the output of the individuals simultaneously performing the same task is not as effective as it would be if errors in the sources were independent ( Chapanis et al . ,
23 ‘ ( 1 ) The consent of a minor who has attained the age of 16 years to any surgical , medical or dental treatment which , in the absence of consent , would constitute a trespass to his person , shall be as effective as it would be if he were of full age ; and where a minor has by virtue of this section given an effective consent to any treatment it shall not be necessary to obtain any consent for it from his parent or guardian .
24 The most promising argument in favour of W. having an exclusive right to consent to treatment and thus , by refusing consent , to attract the protection of the law on trespass to the person , lies in concentrating upon the words ‘ as effective as it would be if he were of full age . ’
25 ‘ ( 1 ) The consent of a minor who has attained the age of 16 years to any … medical … treatment which , in the absence of consent , would constitute a trespass to his person , shall be as effective as it would be if he were of full age ; and where a minor has by virtue of this section given an effective consent to any treatment it shall not be necessary to obtain any consent for it from his parent or guardian .
26 If you 're going to , if you 're going to provide the service you have to be careful that it , it is being effective , as effective as it can be , does it need to be more effective and should it be operating all week .
27 In the event , the reality was as different and as perversely non-emblematic as it could be .
28 Of course , I have the odd wrinkle , and my middle is not as flat as it could be , but so what !
29 There is no doubt that performance can be improved in many cases , but the fundamental question has to be asked whether such foliar feeding or boosting is merely making up and filling a gap left by normal cultivation that is not as good as it could be .
30 about how stuffy it is , and the like when we agreed that is was erm not as good as it could be , may I just say erm , but we have n't got any , if you like , er statistical measurement , and one of the actual points that were starting to do now is we 're actually going to start reporting tu , temperature and humidity on the first , second , and third floors within G P House .
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