Example sentences of "[adj] as to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If appropriate provision for expulsion is essential , it is as well also to consider the eventuality of partners leaving in less contentious circumstances , if only to ensure ( as considered above ) that the firm 's finances are so arranged as to be able to cope with both expected and unexpected departures .
2 Similarly , overachieving can be an addiction if the achievement is to no purpose or gratification while at the same time the costs to other relationships may be so high as to be catastrophic .
3 When the original ingredients of a dish become obsolete or so debased as to be unrecognizable radical change is preferable to make-believe replacements .
4 Despite the three-hour length , the descent of Kathy Bates 's character into madness is so abrupt as to be risible .
5 So , word-play is found in many other kinds of discourse type , especially in Britain and British English , such as advertising , and headlinese : it is actually so prevalent as to be inescapable ( " It 's enough to make your kin scrawl " — Crayola ) .
6 A reviewer of a hangman program recently suggested that the detail was so gruesome as to be unsuitable for young children !
7 In Sargent [ 1990 ] The Guardian , 3 July , Boreham J at Leeds Crown Court is reported as saying : " You were so negligent as to be reckless as to this woman 's welfare " , by pumping so much oxygen into her during an operation that she swelled up like a Michelin man .
8 He was so ordinary as to be extraordinary , so obscure that only stealth could be his calling .
9 As with inspection , the cleaner should be so positioned as to be able to see all areas of the work even if it means squatting , kneeling or lying down .
10 He did wish that custom and her total generosity had not made everything so easy as to be negligible .
11 Merton 's proposals for the sociology of science are so limited as to be unrecognizable in terms of Mannheim 's formulation of the sociology of knowledge .
12 Give yourself time to settle down with a new program before you draw the conclusion that it is so buggy as to be unusable .
13 Her few originalities are so naive as to be laughable ( such as her picture of the persons of the Trinity sitting on different-coloured cushions ) or so deranged as to be pitiable .
14 If the decision is so brief as to be inadequate , this may provide grounds for an appeal to the Commissioners , since it will amount to an error of law .
15 Behind them she could work with a charm and singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes .
16 Behind them she could work with a charm and a singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes ’ .
17 Her few originalities are so naive as to be laughable ( such as her picture of the persons of the Trinity sitting on different-coloured cushions ) or so deranged as to be pitiable .
18 I have sat around tables with senior male television executives and listened to them on the one hand bemoan the lack of good women presenters and on the other make suggestions of possible women candidates so inappropriate as to be laughable .
19 One is not normally so lucky as to be able to link a coinage so specifically to a historical event or particular date and usually more indirect methods must be used .
20 It is also very much of an ideal size — not so large as to be overwhelming , yet large enough to sustain a wide variety of cultural enjoyment in the Arts , Music and Drama .
21 The judge had warned the jury not to award " Mickey Mouse money " , by which he apparently intended to refer to a sum so large as to be unrealistic ( such as 1.5 million ) .
22 It was the saloon-bar cliche ; so obvious as to be apparent to the least sophisticated political intelligence .
23 The machines find them , or anyway , enough of them , so that the computers can often win despite an intrinsic quality of play that is so inane as to be comic , as is readily apparent when two computers play each other .
24 Teachers may find that terminology which is intended to clarify is sometimes on the one hand , over-prescriptive or , on the other , so indefinite as to be confusing .
25 A small amount of reverberation will occur in the room where the recordings are played-back , but this will usually be so slight as to be unnoticeable .
26 The differences are therefore in the expected direction but so slight as to be unremarkable .
27 Rangers initially were of the opinion that their share of the tickets for the Velodrome in Marseille was so unsatisfactory as to be more trouble than it was worth .
28 These were trades liable to seasonal and cyclical fluctuations , but where unemployment was neither so frequent as to be uninsurable , nor so low as to be unnecessary .
29 Even knowing that I shall never be so stupid as to be vain about it , but be grateful , be terribly glad ( especially after this ) to be alive , to be who I am — Miranda , and unique .
30 It involves an immense extrapolation of our actual knowledge to assert that the Schrödinger equation would furnish an adequate description of a system sufficiently complex as to be able to sustain consciousness .
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