Example sentences of "[adj] as [det] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The antecedents of retrospective completion are less clear as this variable was not significantly associated with any other .
2 Crucial as this aspect is , it is but one side of a person 's moral history .
3 Steve 's life was his own and as appalling as this situation was she was powerless to interfere anyway .
4 So it , it ga it went twice as quick as that ball 's going .
5 Incredible as this story is , it presents problems for Pete , the well-known and loved retriever cross .
6 Valuable as this account is , in its necessary emphasis on Scrutiny and Cambridge it tends to obscure a wider perspective covering the full range of cross-currents within English during the inter-war period .
7 Poor as this place is , ’ Godwin concludes , ‘ it is still a home . ’
8 The use of the Bosch injector pump and having the head drilled for heater plugs is as good as this engine is going to be and , as such is a reasonable conversion , in relation to the cost .
9 Our bar lunches , for example , are as reasonable as any hotel 's in the area .
10 How lo , how long as that room been done ?
11 Losing the desire for material things — in fact the total spurning of them — gives calm and release as long as that desire is not replaced by the desire for such mental delights as ecstasy .
12 Ladies and gentlemen erm about three years ago we finally decided to restore this car that you see behind us and although it was er an impossible task at times we , we carried on regardless and I hope that you 'll agree that everything you see today , plus the fact that seeing everybody out here , I think we , you 'll agree we made the right decision and er we feel that as long as this car is in this position that nobody 'll erm have any doubts who the Three- Ninetieth Group were and er , I think er , I think we 're all proud of this day particularly .
13 However , as long as this distinction is understood , it is generally agreed that the term ‘ pitch ’ is a convenient one to use informally to refer both to the subjective sensation and to the objectively measurable fundamental frequency .
14 As long as this distinction was acknowledged , faith remained tenable .
15 The idea of a static and unchanging countryside is a misreading of history and , as far as the future is concerned , a totally unrealistic expectation-As long as we , as consumers , demand cheap food and as long as this demand is implemented by state-directed agricultural policies , the end product will be the disappearance of the traditional rural landscape and associated farm buildings .
16 Indeed , for examples of foregrounding sharpening and guiding one 's reading of a text one need look no further than Blake 's own analysis : " This structure suggests that parallelism and contrast may well form important attributes of the passage " ( p. 17 ) ; " The end of each line seems a little more powerful as that pattern is disrupted " ( p. 27 ) ; " The metre used in a poem sets up an expectation on the part of the reader or listener that the pattern will be preserved throughout the poem .
17 Startlingly bold as this idea is , the arguments for it were initially contained in just the first thirty-three short sections of the Principles .
18 Bold as this aim is , it is bound to fail .
19 In practice , the County Council 's network covered a wider area , but as important as that fact was its independence : it was a sign of the growing distrust with which the public judged the nuclear ‘ experts ’ .
20 I suggest that , important as such analysis is , there are more fundamental issues which have to be tackled first .
21 It 's as safe as any job is in today 's industrial
22 So as far as this meeting 's concerned , erm , most of our meetings are basically business meetings , but we , we have tried and we will try to put in speakers and , and do different things from time to time , we had er , er a woman last time who 'd been to Central America recently and she gave us a very interesting talk on a visit to El Salvador and Guatamala , erm , and we , we 'd like to do that more often , but , but what we do really erm , to begin with any rate , is we go th we go through the , the headings on this sheet , on the , on the minutes , we use them as headings for others and erm , items on the agenda and er some may have more to say than others and there are one or two not on there which we 'll pop in as we go along .
23 However , essential as that support is , perhaps the greatest drive of all comes from the normal dreams that all parents have for their children .
24 Altogether Höll 's weight and authority are as impressive as any pianist 's in this work .
25 ‘ Well , now , delightful as this badinage is , I think we should get down to work .
26 Grim as that prospect was , there was no avoiding it now .
27 These links are vital as this body is the main vehicle for communicating to the maximum number of students at Napier .
28 I turn now to the question of the relevance of such an account to language learning , in particular as that process is carried out in classrooms under the direction , or at least the surveillance , of the teacher .
29 We are looking to the ILEA and Sports Council to support this , but a small charge might be necessary as this day is over and above the normal QT days .
30 Applications for these awards are unnecessary as each hotel is automatically considered at the time of the annual inspection .
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