Example sentences of "[adj] as [pers pn] [be] to " in BNC.

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1 Feelings in early childhood , where we were , indeed , helpless , where the world was , in fact , meaningless , where we were er subject as it were to erm , the arbitrary erm to , to , to arbitrary fate , and felt it because we were young children , but in which there really was a power that looked after us .
2 Unbecoming as it was to their cred , the embarrassed band loaded themselves and gear into the vehicle and tried very hard indeed not to be seen getting out of it at the other end .
3 LINKED as it was to the constantly shifting world of Soho , Minton 's personal life during these years underwent continual change .
4 Accustomed as we are to the damp rigours of most Scottish self-catering properties , the Rannoch flats and apartments seem like paradise .
5 It was immediately evident to the Doctor that , accustomed as they were to successful action , the Chelonians were ill prepared for such a large number of casualties .
6 All this Lamprey saw , accustomed as he was to dealing with humanity .
7 The reception , a buffet , so glad you could come , yes did n't she , yes I am , O ha ha Uncle Tom 's sozzled ha ha good old Uncle Tom , accustomed as I am to public speaking , a glass of champagne cider each , I give you the Bride 's parents I My own parents looking a bit sick of all the tipsy Irish .
8 Admittedly there 's nothing else as inane as the tale of Froggie and Miss Mousey among the 13 tracks on Good As I Been To You ( Columbia ) — but neither is there anything actually written by Dylan .
9 But it 's the difference between the wheezing , cracked , crumbling voice on ‘ Good As I Been To You ’ and the supine , delicate wonderment of Young 's voice on ‘ Harvest Moon ’ which marks the astonishing chasm between the two albums .
10 It seemed remarkable that Elizabeth should be as good as she was to her sister-in-law .
11 Overall the cost of a funeral often comes as a big shock to people and the vicar 's fees , peripheral as they are to the main bill , come in for lots of cynical comments like ‘ Even at a time like this , the church is making money . ’
12 It must also take account of : ( 1 ) the market position and economic and financial strength of the parties to the merger ; ( 2 ) the availability of alternative products ; ( 3 ) barriers to entry ; ( 4 ) the interests of consumers ; and ( 5 ) the development of technical and economic progress as long as it is to consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition .
13 The sickness of morning is already upon us , unaccustomed as we are to being up so early .
14 But that 's enough , it seems , in this small town in the eastern part of Germany , unaccustomed as it is to dealing with foreigners .
15 The evening event was thoroughly enjoyable with several awards being made , whilst Graham Crowe delivered one of his ‘ unaccustomed as I am to making short speeches ’ .
16 When I could not think how to answer this , unaccustomed as I was to conversing with People , she went on , ‘ Do you speak English ?
17 Important as it is to the understanding of the world today , it was in these years only occasionally decisive for Europe .
18 ‘ But you , Bethlehem … small as you are to be among Judah 's clans , out of you shall come forth a governor for Israel , one whose roots are far back in the past , in days gone by .
19 ‘ Nor should one forget the ignis fatuus , familiar as it is to us all . ’
20 Convenient as it is to date the militarization of the Cold War from the outbreak of the war in Korea in June 1950 , warning signs of increasing East–West tension had occurred well before that crisis .
21 Close as they are to being sold , electricity and water will be largely unaffected by this week 's change .
22 I am so jealous and protective of her , ’ but , close as she was to Louise , she could n't bring herself to admit what she saw as the black depths of her failure with her daughter .
23 Higueras warned Jim , ‘ Once a player is as close as you are to being number one in the world , the adjustments should be fractional in your game .
24 Accordingly , in Clarence ( 1888 ) 22 QBD 23 , a woman 's agreement to sexual intercourse with her husband meant that , surprising as it is to modern ears , he was not guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm when he infected her with VD .
25 The most bizarre of all these techniques , at least to our eyes , prejudiced as we are to a mammalian way of doing things , is that practised by Rhinoderma , a tiny frog that Darwin found in Southern Chile .
26 Used as she was to dogs , she was unafraid , but even so she froze .
27 Mr Crumwallis looked at him in dyspeptic reproof , unused as he was to having his magisterial ramblings interrupted .
28 It remained silent , unused as it was to being asked for its opinions .
29 Unused as I am to public scribbling , and tardy to boot ( I 've just read your December/January issue ) , I felt I had to thank you for saving me time and trouble ( not to mention hard-won shekels ) , in a search for something which obviously does not exist .
30 I will therefore , sir , dear as you are to me , give up your person to the happier , to my worthier rival .
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