Example sentences of "[adj] as [noun] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 From the first moments , when my brothers and I stood there incredulous as Blyth screamed and jumped and tugged at his leg , to the tearful farewell of Blyth 's parents and Diggs taking statements ( a bit even appeared in the Inverness Courier which was picked up for its curiosity value by a couple of the Fleet Street rags ) , not one person even suggested that it might have been anything other than a tragic and slightly macabre accident .
2 He was probably as glad as Dad to do as he was told and leave and I noticed that Mary 's two buxom friends slipped out after them .
3 and , , and they felt really bad apparently and they 'd apologized , you know , and everything was cool and I thought I was quite adamant though but they 'd , they , I 'm not used to this , you know , I 'm quite naive as Zoey says and I 'm not used to boys
4 For example , when the State Department 's Far Eastern Office was trying , unsuccessfully , to put together a compromise paper that would be agreed with the European Office , one may applaud the objective of an Indo-China that was to be fully self-governed , autonomous , and democratic : but there was a world of difference between a ‘ national ’ and a ‘ federal ’ government which would become obvious as events unfolded and the qualification , which Moffat and his colleagues seemed to accept , to full self-government which was explicit in Indo-China 's recommended partnership in the French Union , and was , by implication reserved to France as a matter of imperial concern , precisely the point , or at least the formality , which produced the irreparable break between France and Ho 's infant Republic .
5 Maybe I 'm reading too much into little things , maybe it 's all as petty as Dave says and maybe I 'm just fearing the worst .
6 The girl had something — quite apart from her natural grace and outstanding good looks , quite apart from the lithe , leggy body that was simply made for modelling , there was a quality about her that made her stand out from all the others girls in the class , which drew the eye and held it , so that even someone as cynical as Arlene looked and wanted to go on looking .
7 In my judgment , though the introduction of further admissible material will inevitably involve some increase in the use of time , this will not be significant as long as courts insist that Parliamentary material should only be introduced in the limited cases I have mentioned and where such material contains a clear indication from the minister of the mischief aimed at , or the nature of the cure intended , by the legislation .
8 As long as you know you 're responsible for it and as long as Elizabeth knows that she 's gon na do it , that 's not a problem .
9 Nevertheless , its paper agrees that ‘ lay members are as able as doctors to recognise and respect the professional principles observed in safeguarding the confidentiality of patients . ’
10 Preview of the film is also important as questions posed before the film can aid attention and motivation .
11 Inflexibilities in resource allocation , quality deficiencies , waste , gaps and imbalances in production were becoming both more widespread and more critical as economies diversified and grew more complex .
12 As far as roof bolting and er the er length of advance without supports , current legislation 's very restrictive , I think it has to be opened upwards demonstrated by scientific evidence to be successful .
13 Anomie only offers a plausible account of deviant motivation if the cultural goal of success is as unidimensional as Merton suggests and if the pursuit of this goal is prevalent amongst those with blocked legitimate opportunities .
14 But he was nearly as ready as Eliot to insist that all critical judgements and pronouncements are relative — relative , above all , to the date at which they are made .
15 True , she was shapely , in a geological sort of way , and quite intelligent as stones go but , nevertheless , the family was fast becoming alarmed at Ned 's deteriorating mental and physical condition .
16 They seem to be experiments in animal design that did not work efficiently enough to survive in the competition that became more and more intense as time passed and animal life proliferated .
17 1972 : Mesarovic & Pestel 1976 ) , actually becomes cheaper and more plentiful as technology finds and creates new resources and uses existing ones more efficiently .
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