Example sentences of "[adj] as [pron] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 MI5 will remain as unaccountable as it always has been and since it blatantly ignored the 1952 directive for over three decades without once being publicly called to account there is no reason to believe that MI5 will be any more law-abiding now .
2 This was unusual as we normally have a better record of reliability than that . ’
3 Techniques of interrogation and espionage improved and became more sophisticated every day — yet still the old methods remained as effective as they ever had .
4 There had been no problem in having Eve brought up as a Catholic , since the Westwards had never wanted to know about her at all , and did n't care what faith she was raised in just as long as they never had to hear her name .
5 I hope you find a stay in Milan as rewarding as I always have .
6 It was still as mellow and welcoming as it ever had been but now the pine panelling was softly golden , gleaming with wax polish .
7 It is true that as human beings we may be able to empathize with social work clients who are short of money or bereaved as we probably have been in these situations ourselves .
8 Later discussing the experience with his workmates the reaction was divided , some voiced complete disbelief , some agreed as they too had had similar experiences , others just nodded agreement with Willie .
9 Obtaining compliance will be as difficult as it always has been , but an international community which has used sanctions to encourage change in southern Africa should be able to tackle the much more serious issues of enforcement associated with climate change and international security .
10 You know it 's it 's as possible as it always has been .
11 One good point is that an original direction , but not a supplementary direction , can not be retrospective as it only has ‘ effect from the date of the direction ’ ( para 1A(1) and ( 4 ) ) .
12 Her ties will remain strong as she still has many family connections .
13 It is an irony that in this mechanical age the Royal Veterinary College is probably as secure as it ever has been , while the scientific and professional challenges become ever more complex .
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