Example sentences of "[adj] from the [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The 1988 Urban Programme can not be seen as dramatically different from the approach inherited by the Conservative government elected in 1979 .
2 This approach is fundamentally different from the approach adopted in the United States , where the law tends to assume that the very existence of monopoly power is against the public interest .
3 The proportion of people initially becoming unemployed as a result of the coming to an end of a temporary job who found a new job within 10 months of initial registration was not markedly different from the proportion applying to the total sample , even after taking age into account .
4 Isolate F8 was therefore different from the other isolates from members of this family ( F6 and F7 ) , DNA of which was cut by Hae III .
5 The expertise of the officials also gives their decisions and judgements a legitimacy which , though different from the legitimacy conferred on politicians by their methods of recruitment into politics ( notably election ) , is nevertheless important in the resolution of conflicts ( Peters 1978 ) .
6 The hierarchical structure of the SGML system is substantially different from the system adopted for the processing of the CED .
7 When he laughs , it is different from the smile spoken of above .
8 Too often , people think that the sentence by a court is not proportionate to the crime committed and the sentence actually served is too different from the sentence passed . ’
9 But Hirst is also very different from the teenager signed from Barnsley for £200,000 by Howard Wilkinson , overawed by the move , size of Sheffield Wednesday , and so unfamiliar with professional routine that he ordered a plate of bacon butties for his pre-match meal .
10 For example , the composition of a design team will be different from the team created to implement that design .
11 This result is rnarginally different from the value given in the quote but may be explained by arithmetic error .
12 Figure 3 shows results for P.P. Over the whole velocity range tested , he shows the asymmetry for stimulation of each eye individually , as well as binocularly ; note that this is quite different from the pattern seen in very young normal infants and subjects with defective binocularity , who show no temporal-directed response in either eye but no evident asymmetry in binocular viewing .
13 Draw in a line by eye , read off the slope and intercept , and confirm that the line is different from the line fitted in the chapter .
14 In 1990 the fees charged by such hospitals were approximately 50–55,000 per person per year , and while one or two of these establishments provide excellent standards of care , others offer a poor-quality custodial environment very different from the care projected in the glossy brochures used to market their services .
15 The rate of liver protein synthesis in patients with non-metastatic colonic carcinoma reported here was not significantly different from the rate documented in patients with benign disease of the gastrointestinal tract .
16 Might not Jesus himself have been rather different from the picture given of him in the gospels and the subsequent teaching of the church ?
17 At first sight , the picture of word-meaning given by patterns of affinity and disaffinity is , at least in some respects , different from the picture given by semantic traits .
18 In this respect things are not qualitatively different from the picture afforded by classical physics .
19 It 's all very different from the wildlife found on the Costa del Sol .
20 ‘ It really should have somebody sensible from the Exchequer to look at it . ’
21 It is small wonder that Dr Underwood finds it a ‘ little disconcerting ’ as the inference of the inquiry , as far as it has gone at present , would appear to be that it is better for a child to stay in East London sleeping irregular hours in ill ventilated shelters and eating fish and chips than to have fresh air conditions in one of our Camps with regular hours of sleep and plenty of well prepared wholesome food ( in which vegetables fresh from the garden play a large part ) forming a diet balanced in accordance with the best advice obtainable from the Board of Education and others …
22 In Damage , from Josephine Hart 's novel , he gets more or less everything wrong from the word go .
23 It is clear from the evidence received from theological colleges and courses , that the training given to ordinands for their responsibilities in leading worship is seriously inadequate .
24 It was clear from the work done then that , even after a full year , major changes in unemployment , self-employment , and employment taken up and ended within the group , were still occurring at a high rate .
25 It is clear from the travaux préparatoires that this declaration operates to ‘ extend ’ the assumed meaning of ‘ civil and commercial ’ which therefore must be taken to exclude all such cases .
26 He dashed up the ladder , clambered along the horizontal part , dropped through the gap and swung himself clear from the final rung onto the ground .
27 It is clear from the Chronicle account that the English were by now in considerable disarray and incapable of offering serious resistance , so it is hardly surprising that when Swegen arrived with his son Cnut and a further army in 1013 the whole nation submitted to him , and Æthelred went into exile with his brother-in-law , Duke Richard II of Normandy .
28 However , it is not clear from the information presented by Burr how well he has been able to cope with the irregular morphological structure of English .
29 The scattered beam interferes at the photomultiplier with an attenuated beam direct from the laser to give beats , the frequency of which is a measure of the Doppler shift .
30 But , as the editor says in a preface , the present volume , free from the need to provide an official , authoritative consensus , is better able to provide ‘ a forum for critical appraisal of current thinking ’ .
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