Example sentences of "[adj] from [adj] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It has also been widely observed that the form of intonation is different in different languages ; for example , the intonation of languages such as Swedish , Italian or Hindi is instantly recognisable as being different from that of English .
2 The alienness of Tolkien 's elves , the thing which makes their whole history different from that of humanity , is obviously that ( in the natural course of things ) they do not die .
3 The evidence offered by hoards is somewhat different from that of individual finds .
4 In serum samples from seven patients with colon cancer , the % cytotoxicity was 2.7 ( 1.9 ) % , which was not significantly different from that of serum samples from normal controls .
5 This process of redevelopment and movement was quite different from that of suburbanization by addition .
6 It seems inevitable that the social profile of lawyers is going to be markedly different from that of society at large because the social profile of persons attaining the level of educational achievement required for admission to higher education does not itself correspond with that of the whole community .
7 Although , generally , women lag behind men in educational achievement , at higher levels the proportion of female students is not very different from that of male , with the result that a small number of highly educated women enter the labour market each year .
8 The record of the Alliance in power was one of pragmatism , perhaps not very different from that of labour had it retained control .
9 His life was very different from that of Hooker .
10 Music has a time-span which is very different from that of speech — it spreads words into another time dimension , so that whereas a writer has to ‘ pad out ’ his thoughts to give his words extra body , such padding becomes burdensome in music — unwanted material we could well do without .
11 When Hertz measured the velocity of his radio waves , he found repeatedly that their velocity was significantly different from that of light .
12 It thereby implicitly recognises that culture does indeed have a meaning different from that of beef or grain .
13 The danger of contamination from radioactive wastes persisting into ages which exist only as figures beyond the range of human imaginations belongs to an order different from that of oil spills and coal slurries .
14 These materials are based on polymeric chains which are not cross-linked , in other words the molecular arrangement is quite different from that of glass .
15 The composition of a photograph for the " Truck Drivers Weekly " would be quite different from that for Science Today or for Vogue Magazine .
16 His Essay was clearly incompatible with this story ; and for man , the animal we are all most interested in , his account was very different from that in Genesis .
17 The landscape in this area of south-east Cambridgeshire and north-east Hertfordshire is certainly very different from that in Fig 7 only a few miles to the south-east ; until the nineteenth century it was a land of open fields .
18 The nature and quality of the defendant 's conduct are therefore factors of great importance , and although the decisional process is different from that in negligence , the result is almost always the same .
19 The kind of criticism that is appropriate in the performing arts is quite different from that in technology , which again differs from the nature of criticism in philosophy .
20 This agency , called the peer group , is probably the first means by which children encounter ideas and ways of behaving different from those at home .
21 Dublin was a happy town , Ellie decided , although Grafton Street , the main shopping area , she found a little disappointing because the shops were n't so very different from those at home .
22 The UFC 's recently-announced grant allocations for 1992–93 hand out rewards and penalties to different institutions , and the allocations for research are markedly different from those for teaching .
23 ‘ However the document granting the Licence gave Mr Manners the right to exclusive occupation of the land and it was this that persuaded the High Court that occupation rights under Licence are no different from those under tenancy , ’ explained Mr Hewitt .
24 This is not , however , to say that the wishes of 16- and 17-year-olds are to be treated as no different from those of 14- and 15-year-olds .
25 The search for training which fits this description in the management of education is hindered in two ways : it has long been an area for tension between theorists and practitioners and it has from time to time been exposed to management models from fields where practice and purpose are very different from those of education .
26 It should be noted that the causes of this type of intermittency are different from those of intermittency arising from alternate laminar and turbulent motion , as in Figs. 2.10 and 21.4 .
27 Clearly , however , the moral , legal , policy and practice connotations of ‘ families in difficulty ’ are qualitatively different from those of child abuse .
28 Eliot wrote back and discussed the matter ; he was already formulating his own ideas on the general subject — he gave a paper on " The Christian Concept of Education " at a conference in Malvern in January 1941 — but , since they were markedly different from those of Pound , it is probable that he was only humouring him .
29 The inducements for the Victorian police officer to use that strategy were not that different from those of night-beat patrolling between the wars .
30 Their side-effects can be different from those of alcohol , and are considered in more detail in Chapter 15 , but similarly they can be mistakenly classified and thereafter dismissed as part of the normal process of growing old .
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