Example sentences of "[adj] he have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As he intensified the party 's efforts to lure floating voters away from the Liberal Democrats , the Labour leader made clear he had not ruled out holding a referendum on constitutional change .
2 ‘ I found it had been cheaply dry-cleaned. he had obviously lent it to her . ’
3 Though to be honest he has n't called this past thousand years .
4 Ted Dexter , chairman of the England Committee , commented : ‘ Graham has led the side in the best possible way during the winter and we are delighted he has again accepted the captaincy . ’
5 He was convinced he had probably cost Orrell the chance in the next 12 days of becoming England 's champion club for the first time .
6 Fred was convinced he had never seen the man before .
7 But I was also glad he 'd never asked to see any of mine .
8 We were glad he had not lived to see four of his sons in Army and Air Force uniform .
9 He was glad he had n't gone on to the Reserve after the Armistice , as Tubby had — though , if he had , he would have stayed retired .
10 I was glad he had n't seen me either as I hurried away in the opposite direction .
11 It was lucky he had not choked .
12 ‘ That man 's lucky he 's still got an inn to serve drinks from , ’ said Jacob .
13 He had read and enjoyed her diary though there were things in it that he was sure he had not known at fourteen and that he felt , uneasily , were not quite suitable for her to know .
14 I rang back to make sure he had n't fainted !
15 Glancing over my shoulder to make sure he had n't seen me , I jostled my way to the rear and sat down next to a window .
16 But he just kept shaking his head and would n't say , and the only thing Preston was sure he had n't seen was Mary Moxton Parading around in the Nude .
17 I was sure he had n't thought much about any of this .
18 I went down again to his room to make sure he had n't returned in the night .
19 She had been sure he had already left the castle before she and Ellen had ventured into the town .
20 So you 're quite sure he has n't gone in the other rooms then ?
21 quite sure he has n't heard of before .
22 My mother said with patient scorn , ‘ Speaking of Derek , we 'd better ring him and make sure he has n't forgotten about the wedding . ’
23 ‘ Are you sure he has n't got a harem of pretty girls hidden there ? ’ said Me1li .
24 I said I 'd do it , and I want to get some sputum samples for analysis to make sure he has n't got a chest infection .
25 We must make sure he has not recoiled only to spring out more strongly .
26 I do hope it works out for him and am sure he has not found these last few months at all easy as he starts his working life .
27 He had even felt compelled to shake hands with a girl whose like he had never seen before .
28 He had first met Sylvester during the early years of the war ; whilst in the Army he had sent him a letter ( now lost ) which Sylvester claims was one of the funniest and most brilliant he has ever received .
29 Do n't tell George : he 'll be jealous he had n't thought of it for himself .
30 NEIL KINNOCK 'S speech at the Labour Party conference tomorrow will be the most important he has ever made .
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