Example sentences of "[adj] she [modal v] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 I do n't well I could be wrong she might do it on the spot .
2 However unpleasant she would find it , she would have to watch Eddie 's fatal accident , even if the thought made her feel ill .
3 ‘ The lasagne 's fine , ’ she murmured as she played for time and thought of the three months ' mortgage she had to find and how impossible she would find it to pay one months ' mortgage , let alone three , if she did n't have a job .
4 He sounded convinced she would need it , Sabine thought as he trudged off .
5 If she 'd set her mind on something she thought was right she would want it done immediately .
6 As soon as she felt actually drowsy she would turn it off .
7 Oh you would you would say oh nice to meet you Mr Brown , oh erm by the way will your wife be coming to join us because I 'm sure she will find it most beneficial .
8 She was Labour , she said , but was n't sure she could make it to the polls .
9 Leonora watched him go with mixed feelings , not really sure she could make it to the bathroom alone , despite her fine words .
10 He knew what that change would entail , and he was n't sure she could handle it .
11 I would have the food in my hand — hence all the effort to make her take food from me at home — and I made sure she could see it , however much I loosened her leash .
12 I 'm sure she 'd like it . ’
13 The thought of flipping him neatly on to his back on the floor was a highly tempting one — and she was quietly confident she could do it , even though he was built like a rugby player .
14 It was a high one , but although she was confident she could climb it , she knew that if she tried to do so she would risk being seen from the house ; but beside it was a shallow grassy ditch were she could remain out of sight , so bending double she ran along this ditch , and came to the spot where she had seen Tristram .
15 If anyone found out and if Alain was angry she would fight it out later , but for now she had come a long way , she was tired , disappointed , and nobody was going to stop her from staying here .
16 People do say — ‘ Oh , it is all right Teresa is tough she can take it ’ — but no woman should be subjected to this treatment .
17 A strength so lavish she can limit it .
18 If necessary she could do it without even standing close to him .
19 Mr Rowse 's followers said when she was whole she would see it .
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