Example sentences of "[adj] that she could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some of her nails were still silver , Lee noticed , and some were so clear that she could see the blood through them .
2 Breeze was fond of Schumann , but not so fond that she could listen to him now !
3 Even if she is not someone who could easily enter into discussions of this nature , in which her feelings are explored , it is possible that she could benefit considerably from advice and comfort delivered to her in a less personal way through the pages of a book .
4 It was even possible that she could argue the case for Chester 's survival in a calm , rational way , if only she could overcome this personal aversion to her unwelcome holiday companion !
5 It was strange that she could see Simon so clearly , thought Isabel , because everything else seemed lost in a hazy mist .
6 With a field of vision as limited as hers it was amazing that she could see anything at all .
7 She did not reflect that only a few weeks ago she would have thought it impossible that she could have lived the life of a servant , let alone bear eating and drinking in the den in which Rose and her ma lived , but she did know one thing — she would never take her comfortable life for granted again .
8 It seemed impossible that she could have fallen in love so swiftly and completely , especially when she 'd managed to remain heart-whole quite effortlessly all this time .
9 It took her from 25 February to 30 June to save a shilling , but once she had accomplished that she was content that she could manage and ‘ never let it trouble me again ’ .
10 It was love , so real that she could have held it in her hand .
11 For three whole days she 'd blanked out the memory of that kiss they 'd shared , but now it came flooding back with a vengeance , hot and strong and so seductively real that she could have wept for shame .
12 For one thing , she had by then been convinced that she could forget Ven Gajdusek 's ‘ I 'll send Ivo for you … ’ .
13 She looked so relaxed and happy , smiling up at her husband , that George was convinced that she could have no idea that her attacker was employed by Stephen .
14 Rosa often went to the washplace with Sabina to help her and she was glad that she could pull her blue cotton dress out of the basket and slosh it into the water before anyone else could examine it for stains ; not that the stain spoke openly of its origins ; it could easily have been milk , thought Rosa .
15 His heart was banging against his chest wall so hard that she could feel it thudding into her as well .
16 Her heart was thumping so hard that she could feel the breath catch in her chest .
17 Only he did n't , merely narrowed his eyes further , then pulled her against him so tight that she could feel every sinew and muscle from knee to chest , and a lick of frightened excitement curled along her nerves .
18 To the watching girl it became increasingly obvious that she could expect no more help .
19 From there she hopped to the pond at the back of the school , for she felt sure that she could hide safely there in the weeds and rushes while she tried to find some solution to her appalling problem .
20 It gave her confidence and she felt sure that she could hold her own against the Italian guests .
21 She was n't sure that she could offer the same kind of commitment in return , or that she wanted so much responsibility .
22 There was quite a wide space between stone and stone , but Jenny felt sure that she could jump from one to the other quite easily .
23 When the older woman strained to attract Fru Møller 's attention for more coffee , Elisabeth was sure that she could hear seams ripping apart and press-studs popping .
24 No longer sure that she could believe it , but still determined to make the best of her marriage , Julia managed to pull herself away from David .
25 She was confident that she could make her mark on the Rummidge Department in three years .
26 She felt confident that she could succeed .
27 Luke drew the car to a halt in front of the house and cut the engine , turning in the seat to face her , his eyes so black that she could see tiny images of herself reflected in their depths .
28 Her desire for such a life was so passionate , and her gratitude to Walter for this glimpse of it was so great that she could have kissed him in the street , and later that day she did in fact allow him to undo her brassiere strap without a word of protest .
29 He did n't know whether to wake her , or even if that was possible if her sleep was so deep that she could crouch in a corner , weeping , and not wake herself .
30 As the shuttle dropped towards the station 's central bulk , Ace found it even more disturbing that she could identify , nestling between ridges of ruched titanium or perhaps in the centre of an ammonite-like coil , a few of the features that would be expected on the outside of a space station .
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