Example sentences of "[adj] that you [be] not " in BNC.

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1 If you feel very inhibited by the artificiality of the situation you will give a very inaccurate impression of the sort of person you really are , perhaps even overcompensating for nerves by being too gregarious and obvious and making it clear that you are not good at handling yourself in a social situation .
2 Now if you 're going to put somebody under a shower as I say be care be very careful that you 're not splashed and get the ambulance on the way .
3 But what I 'm saying is , is that everybody makes their own value judgement and be careful that you 're not making , imposing your value onto them .
4 You 've got to be careful that you are not losing the skill of a conversation .
5 The blurred effect also arises when you are under extreme stress , only then it is because the muscles become so taut and rigid that you are not able to see clearly .
6 It just does n't seem right that you 're not here … ’
7 I did wonder if it was a nightmare because it 's so vivid … have you ever had something you remember from your childhood which was so horrible and awful that you 're not quite sure whether it was real or a nightmare ?
8 If we are wrong , I 'll make sure that you 're not blamed for it . ’
9 Now you 're always making a balance in developing drugs and I have nothing to do with the drug industry , I 'm a G P , you have a balance between trying to move things forward to get people better and on the other hand making sure that you 're not going to do them any great harm .
10 Well what they do they make sure that you 're not better off when you 're not working than you are working
11 Therefore make sure that you are not going to bed too early , particularly if you have taken a nap after lunch .
12 Secondly make sure that you are not interrupted during the meeting and have a rough idea about the format which the interview should follow .
13 You will be asked a few questions about your state of health and a drop of blood will be taken from your finger to make sure that you are not anaemic .
14 But " originality " presents a difficult problem because ( unless you are doing advanced research ) you are unlikely to be in a position to advance new facts or radically new interpretations , or even to have a wide enough knowledge of what other people have written to be sure that you are not duplicating it .
15 It is worth checking your essay to make sure that you are not presupposing things which you do n't believe are true , and that you are n't hiding anything in a presupposition which needs to be made explicit and justified .
16 I felt proud that you were not afraid to cover such provocative matters .
17 Make certain that you are not disturbed when making a call and that there is the minimum of background interference .
18 Oh Angie , it 's not very nice that you 're not very well .
19 You will become aware that you are not always what you want to be .
20 Become aware that you are not alone .
21 If , as you approach retirement , you become aware that you are not going to have a big enough pension to live as comfortably as you would like , you might seriously consider the possibility of making additional voluntary contributions .
22 For a necessary condition for such knowledge , 3 ( that if it were not true that you are not a brain in a vat , you would not believe that you are not a brain in a vat ) fails .
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