Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] [vb past] not " in BNC.

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1 I thought that I had made it clear that we did not make a profit on the war .
2 But it was clear that they had not given the subject much thought , nor did they feel there was any need to .
3 Although Glasgow District Council ( GDC ) supported Heatfest , they made it clear that they had not the resources to implement any radical outcome .
4 On 25 July , the Official Solicitor visited the dockers in prison , but they made clear that they did not intend to give any undertakings of obedience to the NIRC or to apologize — which is normally essential before those in contempt are released .
5 Many pioneers of women 's education made it quite clear that they did not accept Emily Davies ' view that girls might be trained in the same way as boys , and argued that they should be given an opportunity , by way of , for example , domestic science classes , to prepare for the lives a majority of them would lead as wives and mothers .
6 But he was to find no lasting romance again and , as the years went by , it became clear that he had not lost his love for Gabrielle .
7 While he was not openly aggressive to the strong Barbarossa , he certainly made it clear that he did not wish the emperor to interfere in ecclesiastical matters .
8 Whether this visit took place after Anselm 's return to England in September 1100 is unclear , but Anselm left the pope in no doubt about his view of the matter , and the pope promised to send no legate with authority over Canterbury during Anselm 's life time ; but it is clear that he did not , and could not , accept the Canterbury claim made by Anselm , that he should never appoint a legate in England other than the archbishop himself .
9 There is no need to say more here about Anselm 's primatial activity : he certainly thought that the evidence was sufficiently strong for him to make a most uncompromising claim to primatial authority over the whole of the British Isles , and it is quite clear that he did not think that the Canterbury claim to this position rested on a series of specific grants by popes after Gregory the Great .
10 ( He later made it clear that he did not wish the letters revealing his generosity to be published . )
11 She could hardly descend on Giovanna Sassanta 's house without an appointment , and Anthony had made it abundantly clear that he did not want her to cross the threshold of his hospital .
12 Sir Wilfrid was more polite , but it was clear that he did not believe Mr Appin 's story .
13 I tried once or twice to reverse our roles , but he again made it clear that he did not want to talk about himself I said nothing about the glove .
14 Clark had , however , made it clear that he did not wish to continue for a further term and , as a consequence of an Academic Board working party 's recommendation , a permanent post was created and filled externally by the appointment of the author .
15 From an early age , Shah Jehan made it clear that he did not care for his third son , and instead increasingly lavished attention on the more amiable Dara Shukoh .
16 Why , it might still be asked , did Franco go to so much trouble to give the impression that his regime had a basis other than sheer force , when that selfsame exercise made it clear that he did not need to ?
17 Mr Hull made it clear that he did not know very much about the paintings and that he was not an expert in them .
18 But it became increasingly clear that he did not .
19 As we watched the train 's shadows turn and fold on the snowy shore , it became clear that she had not forgotten the stories which made this much more than a stark inland sea stretching as far as the eye can follow .
20 It was clear that she had not expected to find him in the room .
21 It was clear that she had not yet made her point .
22 When Greg returned with the snowball , Margaret Seymour-Strachey had shifted her position so as to be better shielded from the rest of the Saloon Bar , and it was clear that she had not managed to get control over herself , for she was now sobbing away quietly .
23 I refer the hon. Gentleman to his hon. Friend the Member for Derby , South ( Mrs. Beckett ) who , if I have understood her words , made it clear that she did not think that it was a very good idea for people below the lower earnings limit to pay small amounts of national insurance .
24 ‘ I admired Lewis and his friends immensely , ’ Wain reported years later in an autobiography ; but ‘ already it was clear that I did not share their basic attitudes , ’ which were Christian , conservative and anti-modern .
25 The dream-poems of Chaucer and the French medieval poets before him make clear that it did not .
26 But as to who comprised the nation , or the people , the Abbe was clear that it did not include everyone :
27 Heads who are asked where that combination took its origin in their individual histories make it clear that it did not come from training .
28 Umpires David Shepherd and John Holder chivvied them several times , but although the players might deny it suited them tactically to keep as many of their batting overs in hand for the next day when better weather was promised , it is difficult to dismiss the thought that the level of fines was so derisory that they did not give it a thought .
29 The room , and the view , and the two people , seemed so calm that I did not want to disturb them .
30 Lawrence was elected British president , and discharged his difficult task with a calmness , courtesy , and firmness which won universal approval , even from the defendants , the soldiers among whom thought that their problems were appreciated by one who had gained the DSO as a gunner officer in World War I. Praise was also given by the British alternate judge , Sir Norman ( later first Baron ) Birkett [ q.v. ] , who was secretly resentful that he had not been chosen for the post .
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