Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 It is also clear that they understood the logic of tacit collusion , put very clearly by one firm :
2 He and his advisers were so dismayed as to misread the letter , for the reply makes it clear that they understood the meeting of the princes to have taken place already .
3 Comparing them to the English Baroque woodwinds , it is clear that they became the prototype and standard for English makers well into the 18th century .
4 His new Food and Beverage Manager is in favour , but the idea was resisted by the original departmental heads , who made it clear that they preferred the old system .
5 When both the Minister for Justice , General McEoin , and the Attorney General , Mr Charles Casey , made it clear that they considered the legislation inopportune , pressure for an explanation eventually brought forward a response from Mr Casey .
6 The courts made it very clear that they equated the interests of the state with the interests of the government then in power .
7 I emphasize this to make clear that what happened the following weekend was as unforeseeable as a plane falling on your house .
8 In this he was only following in Lanfranc 's footsteps , and it is clear that he expected the king to exercise more authority in ecclesiastical affairs than the more ‘ advanced ’ ecclesiastical theorists of his time thought tolerable .
9 and his wife , it was her second marriage , her first one had been to the doctor and he had actually examined paedophilia backed off , basically said well she did n't , she could n't get a conviction but it was quite clear that he had the motive and he 'd had the opportunity because Connie died from the fire which Harvey Jones had set cos he found out
10 Gloucester was much in demand as an arbiter and as a source of legal redress , and it is clear that he took the matter seriously .
11 Their craftsmanship makes it clear that he took the business of composing verse and music very seriously indeed .
12 Gloucester was much in demand as an arbiter and as a source of legal redress , and it is clear that he took the matter seriously .
13 But Vergil 's presentation of the episode makes it clear that he thought the accusation had no validity and was merely an excuse for Hastings ' execution .
14 The judge made it clear that he thought the complainant was the truthful witness and that the case should continue .
15 But Vergil 's presentation of the episode makes it clear that he thought the accusation had no validity and was merely an excuse for Hastings ' execution .
16 Life had not prepared him for the task , and it soon became clear that he lacked the natural shrewdness and strength of character that a Gdansk plumber was to show the Polish bosses three years later .
17 Nevertheless , it is fairly clear that he saw the democratic political movement as the principal force creating this new social order , for it is the democratic regime that assigns pre-eminent value to the wellbeing of the greatest number , establishes an open and mobile society by destroying the old hierarchy of ranks , and encourages the development of trade and manufacture .
18 Although he has been accused , of course , of social snobbery , I think it 's clear that he observed the life around him closely and critically .
19 Terry seemed to have settled in easily to Army life , but although Joe made no complaints it was clear that he missed the family .
20 After other speeches condemning Ian Paisley , Terence O'Neill rose and delivered a long statement in which he made it clear that he regarded the defeat of Ian Paisley as a central part of his reforming Unionism .
21 It was clear that he regarded the matter as closed .
22 It was clear that she saw the drift of his question but her answer was simple : ‘ Granny seemed to exercise a sort of spell over her sons , her husband too , I think .
23 But she made it immediately clear that she regarded the two policemen as being of a social order little higher than the servants .
24 Finally , foreign museums started contacting the Ministry of Culture and asking if they could buy , let us say , a picture by Malévich or Popova , and then it became clear that I had the pictures .
25 This choice was helped to be made when one of them wrote me a nasty letter saying that it was clear that I wanted the other as my friend ( which , if I may say , was a lot of nonsense ) !
26 The new Commonwealth was at least a genuinely voluntary union , and yet it was far from clear that it provided the answer to nationality differences that had for so long eluded the Gorbachev leadership .
27 The insurance company had claimed that the system for calculating punitive awards — to punish wrongdoers and deter future misconduct — was so irrational that it violated the company 's constitutional right to be treated fairly .
28 If indeed they were prehistoric , it is doubtful that they crossed the open downland after the later Bronze Age .
29 Robbie was very much afraid that she knew the answer .
30 When they overtook me , they gave a cheer so loud that they drowned the noises of the wheelbarrow and lorry .
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