Example sentences of "[adj] for the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I did what I thought was right for the most precious thing in the world to me .
2 Jazz skewered up his hair with a few of Mrs Nicholson 's hairpins and the three of them shuffled and clacked respectively for home , grateful for the now emptier streets .
3 The values range from very low for the virtually insoluble helium to very high for the highly soluble ammonia .
4 When the Dada brochure , Cabaret Voltaire , was published in June 1916 it was ‘ a catch-all for the most diverse directions in art which at that time seemed to us to constitute ‘ Dada ’ . ’
5 He tells me of the only time he has seen his mother drink ; her infant grandchild vomited on her coat , and she spouted a fine , volatile performance , screaming Christ Almighty the cross a woman has to bear , taking the Lord 's name in vain for the very first time .
6 For these reasons it is the delightful little Concerto which comes over with the greatest conviction though the recording acoustic is far too resonant for the essentially intimate character of the writing ; and the sound in general affords too much prominence to the continuo which booms away in a far from discreet manner .
7 The evidence for genetic inheritance is much less strong for the less severe forms of depression .
8 A choice of board arrangement is available — self-catering for the more independent , whilst those on half or full board can savour the delights of the extensive buffet which , for Drago and Geminis guests , is open throughout the day — so meal times can be totally flexible to suit your own daily plans .
9 Once again , it may be doubted whether this is sufficiently high for the most serious cases .
10 The stage set is a masterpiece of ingenuity and construction skills , and despite some acoustic problems yet to be solved , no praise could be too high for the really splendid contribution of the Ulster Orchestra under our own Christopher Bell , who has also conducted the work in Dublin .
11 The values range from very low for the virtually insoluble helium to very high for the highly soluble ammonia .
12 This amount of memory is adequate for the very largest entry .
13 Part of the fascination of the old for the very young could be the sense of contact with a long-past world , half haunted .
14 What it does not seem to me to offer , and what seems crucial for the intensely generic regime which television operates , is the beginning of a theory of genre specific to television which addresses not only the systems , but the forms of subjectivity which these systems imply .
15 The Commission emphasised in its decision that the selective nature of the price cuts , and the circumstances in which they were made , amounted to ‘ loss leader ’ tactics making it impossible for the much smaller competitor in the market place to stay in business .
16 Its record is entirely respectable , but there is no evidence to suggest that Hanson 's skills are appropriate for the really difficult management problems like the rebuilding of the Rover Group or the strengthening of I.C.L . 's position in the world computer market .
17 His words boomed out , spoken with clarity and in a tone that suggested that he was keeping his words simple for the less intelligent inmates of the prison .
18 Most trade union leaders favoured the war , among them Havelock Wilson , and it was easy for the more romantic to suppose that , now there was a common enemy , all other conflicts would be shelved " for the duration " which would not , as most supposed , be a long one .
19 The International Law Commission concluded that ‘ modern doctrine is … in overwhelming agreement that the representing State should not , as such , be answerable for the internationally wrongful acts of the represented State ’ .
20 I am a new reader having bought Machine Knitting Monthly for the very first time this morning .
21 In tonal terms Montéclair 's setting of the legend is a mirror-image of Campra 's , for in it Dido 's anger is expressed in D minor and in F major , while her sadness at being betrayed takes the form of an imprecation against Venus 's power in D major , remarkable for the increasingly elaborate ornamentation written in the score .
22 The organisational changes that come with white-collar CCT and its attendant activities create an environment where it is all the more imperative for the traditionally federal style of Town Hall management to look very carefully at how it manages its electronic records .
23 This type of help via an intelligent terminal or microcomputer is particularly valuable for the relatively unskilled end-users , in that it not only reduces the time taken to enter and transmit a search , but also allows correction of any typing or strategy errors before going online , thus removing some of the stress commonly associated with online searching .
24 The main concern was that it would not be ideal for the mentally handicapped people themselves , rather than prove an inconvenience or embarrassment to the respondents .
25 Although the conditions up the slope were ideal for the more experienced , they were too strong for novice pilots .
26 Security grilles give more protection than window locks alone , and are ideal for the more vulnerable windows or doors at the back or side of a property .
27 This specialist centre has superb long distance cruises in Wayfarers ideal for the more adventurous , though other sailing is limited .
28 Both books are ideal for the very young .
29 In early sixteenth-century London it was customary for the most pious lay people to rush from church to church in order to be present at as many elevations of the host as possible in a single day .
30 I 've heard that sex can be very good for the over sixty-fives . ’
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