Example sentences of "[adj] to their [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The few AEs who were distracted were unsuited to their roles in any case .
2 The treatment of the bidder and the target 's shareholders is not materially different to their treatment in relation to an offer and so para 23.2 below will be relevant .
3 Wedded to their reflections in the waters that surround them , they look like giant gemstones set in the blue .
4 In contrast , the Whigs were the " Low Church " party , as they now came to be called : they continued to be critical of High Anglican religious intolerance , and in general remained consistent to their beliefs in liberty of conscience and religious toleration for all Protestants .
5 And illustrate acceptance of the need to keep their own skills and knowledge up to date through participation in education activities or training appropriate to their role in industry .
6 Of course , this was grossly disproportionate to their strength in terms of votes .
7 Future pensions are a matter for the new companies , and it would be surprising if they did not wish to secure pension arrangements that are satisfactory to their employees in the interests of attracting and retaining a motivated staff .
8 This group pressure for conformity may often override values imposed from outside : for example , the child may refuse to ‘ tell tales on his or her friends ’ despite demands from the teacher , or soldiers may infringe Queen 's Regulations rather than be disloyal to their comrades in the platoon .
9 The islanders were naturally put out to hear news that might be so important to their community in that way .
10 Sticklebricks give rise to as many types of play and conversation as the interlocking small bricks , but due to their change in physical appearance and the wheel shapes that come in the packs there is a wider provision for imaginative construction .
11 Cases where none of the words in a position appeared as headwords in the dictionary , but some nevertheless received a score due to their inclusion in the collocation list of some other word .
12 Their closeness was less due to their nearness in age — though with only eighteen months between them it had been easy for them to grow up with similar interests and shared confidences — than to the fact that neither of their parents had ever made much of them .
13 But it could also be used to their advantage in that how that erm absolute egalitarianism would speed up the process of land reform and eliminate feudalism whereas a moderate policy would just take ages for this to happen , so
14 The terms offered to the 1,600 who are now without work are pitiful , especially when compared to those available to their fellows in Holland .
15 Measures to make firms more accountable to their clients in non-reserved functions have been proposed in a recent Institute report .
16 This is not merely prejudice since it is the case that women 's position in the family is rarely irrelevant to their position in the public world .
17 While for some this is a welcome development , for many others this structural change in the labour market reduces the income and the company welfare benefits of those concerned to such an extent that they are made inferior to their colleagues in the primary labour market .
18 The diplomats of 1919 , many of the methods they used and the ways in which they were instructed and controlled , even many of the policies they attempted to carry out , would have been clearly recognisable to their predecessors in the age of Metternich or even of Louis XIV .
19 Recent medical novels , for example , such as those by Shem ( 1980 ) and by Douglas ( 1977 , 1980a , 1980b ) share a suspicion of high-technology medicine and a desire to treat patients in a more humane fashion which is very close to their counterparts in medical sociology .
20 It says : all authoritative directives should be based on reasons which already independently apply to the subjects of the directives and are relevant to their action in the circumstances covered by the directive .
21 The hierarchical structures of baboons seem to be evolutionary beneficial to their members in terms of the maximization of their inclusive fitnesses .
22 Now Mill seems to be very unsure what to do about this because he does n't want to say that the poor should be disenfranchised , because after all everyone is entitled to their say in government , but he does seem to be worried that if the poor are given an equal say or the uned uneducated poor are given an equal say , then they will make a very bad decision , a decision which is against their own interests and this is one reason why he favours plural voting because he recognizes that the numerical majority might make a erm wrong decision , so we should make sure that the numerical majority do n't have sway in a democratic process by giving another client more weight in it so he seems to between wanting to disenfranchise them altogether which he seems to consider and just emasculating their vote by giving other people more votes .
23 It followed that if the General Commissioners were entitled to their conclusion in H Ltd 's case , it was amply within their power to reach the same conclusion for B Ltd .
24 They had agreed to pay Mr Major sums which were ‘ proportionate to their responsibility in the matter ’ while ‘ properly reflecting the injury and distress ’ caused to him and his wife Norma .
25 Their weight , although so small , responds to the force of gravity , and the little hairs they balance upon are sensitive to their movement In the ordinary way , it 's all part of the service .
26 The former means that anything in the domain of belief is potentially relevant to what is being considered ; the latter means that the falsification or verification of propositions is done relative to their status in a scientific theory ( and , by extension , in a belief system ) .
27 Malinowski was a prolific writer and also a uniquely gifted teacher , training , largely by the socratic method , a whole generation of brilliant disciples ; true to their master in their fashion they have created modern social anthropology with cross-fertilization from Radcliffe-Brown .
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