Example sentences of "[adj] to [be] [adj] by " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's easy to be critical by watching television and they may feel that they can just pick up where they left off .
2 It is easy to be alarmed by something which one imagines does not happen to other people and which one 's family and friends may suggest is pure imagination or , worse still , the first sign of madness !
3 It was easy to be side-tracked by the more exotic elements in a case .
4 Some shivered in the cold breeze of change : others struck out boldly , with a sense of freedom , glad to be unencumbered by out-of-date gear and padding , glad to cast off notions that had never seemed to themselves to be smart or necessary : naked into the stream , exhilarated , the new emerging race .
5 Was I supposed to be pleased by these comments ?
6 ‘ Am I supposed to be impressed by this little bit of unhurried pantomime ? ’ he enquired coolly .
7 The long-promised higher frequency Vikings that would go a ways to proving Sparc 's scalability are supposed to be producible by the end of the fourth quarter or the first part of the new year , according to TI .
8 The critic 's standing is thereby reduced , and the description or evaluation of the prize works is less than likely to be uninfluenced by their new position .
9 Systems such as RTMAS have great practical potential in those emergency situations where there is likely to be self-evacuation by the public .
10 By contrast , many hardened black marketeers were likely to be untouched by the decree since they tended to move their rouble profits into property , gold or dollars .
11 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
12 Of course , these are not the abilities which we pride ourselves upon , and we are much more likely to be impressed by the few things which computers do well which we do badly .
13 Raima UK is likely to be joint-owned by the two companies , and is said by Systemstar 's David Turley to be ‘ the inevitable consequence of our selling the product for the last five years ’ .
14 The leadership also has a new control , which makes it less likely to be unhorsed by its own interest-groups than the Callaghan Government was in the late 1970s .
15 Pre-school children are less likely to be dry by 3 years if they are anxious or depressed .
16 The team is likely to be unchanged by there 's a chance Terry Fenwick may appear as one of the subs … the other is likely to be Steve White … he 's fit again
17 Our own subjective judgement about the plausibility of a theory of the origin of life is likely to be wrong by a factor of a hundred million .
18 It is also the factor most likely to be remediable by practitioners .
19 The Lottery is now likely to be operational by 1994 and all those interested in benefiting from its considerable financial fall-out will need to tender their proposals early .
20 The Football Association are sure to be unswayed by this set-back , as they were by the failure to score in the opening European championship games against Denmark and France and then by the defeat by Sweden .
21 Too tired to be surprised by anything , Nenna looked at the davits and saw that the dinghy must have been lowered away already .
22 Mr Watkins , a retired admiral , is unlikely to be upset by noisy environmentalists .
23 In my view our fellow Members , who lived with us cheek by jowl , were fully aware of my strengths and weaknesses and were unlikely to be impressed by pictures of me on their TV screens dressed in a striped apron and pretending to wash up in the kitchen , as had happened during the Tory leadership election .
24 Unless you were of ‘ a nervous disposition ’ ( what a lovely genteel phrase that is ) you were unlikely to be distressed by these tales of goodies versus the bad monsters , especially as the goodies always won in the end .
25 He is unlikely to be startled by the kind of evidence or hypothesis presented by us and by other writers .
26 Pupils can sometimes be diffident in expressing their anxieties about their visual condition and may be greatly helped if they can talk to someone knowledgeable and experienced in such matters who is unlikely to be surprised by incidents which can be a worry to some youngsters , such as , for instance , a glass eye lost in the swimming pool or the effect of strong light on a photophobic ( averse to glare ) pupil which makes him sit with closed eyes .
27 She was certainly unlikely to be amused by ill-bred behaviour on the part of those who undoubtedly held themselves to be among Europe 's finest aristocratic stock .
28 Discussing the patient 's ‘ auditory environment ’ Gough ( 1986 ) provides vignettes showing how noise means different things to different people and reminds nurses that it is possible to be upset by silence , for example a child in an isolation unit — a salutary reminder of the importance of individualising nursing according to the circumstances .
29 Then it is possible to be selective by shooting the adults only .
30 It must be admitted that Château Meloch was a great deal better some years than others , and although it was often possible to be amused by its presumption , it was equally likely to be pronounced fit only for cooking — and on one occasion its only possible use was as a substitute for vinegar .
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