Example sentences of "[adj] to [pron] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Much of this story will necessarily be unfamiliar to them but it may offer some understanding of how the work of God here has developed and of what there is that is worthwhile in the legacy of the past .
2 They deal with the dignitaries in the politest possible way , but it is clear to everyone that it is not the dignitaries they have come to see and talk to , but the ordinary people .
3 The only item of business , the election of the Khashort space of time that it was clear to everyone that it was little more than a formality .
4 It may mislead people into obeying the law where , but for their consent , it would have been clear to them that it is better to disobey .
5 It must have been as clear to him as it was to her that Jeff , most definitely , was n't acting .
6 Dredge tried to hog the credit , but it 's clear to me where it really belongs .
7 This additional space must be provided before the new PC can be legally installed , and it is not clear to me where it could be fitted in to the existing room layout without considerable reorganisation of the workspace .
8 ‘ Rid yourself of the notion , sir , ’ he said on a menacing note , ‘ that it is any more acceptable to me than it is to you ! ’
9 London is different to me than it is to you .
10 That thorny subject , if he but knew it , was as painful to her as it was to him .
11 And so , from 1958 onwards , these characters became my dolls , and their way , of life and the houses they inhabited became so real to me that it was quite a shock when I occasionally returned to the place which had started it all , Wood Green , near Witney .
12 He offered no words , though he thought words within , in the Welsh tongue , which had been native to her as it was to him .
13 Well that 's gone quickly , quick to me but it 's probably
14 Steel-Maitland was running Central Office like a business enterprise , not in order to make a political point , but because it was as natural to him as it had been foreign to Percival Hughes .
15 Chairman Wayne Calloway tells investors : ‘ Our pink-eyed friends on the cover are the best way we know to symbolise rapid growth — something as natural to us as it is to them . ’
16 Japanese investment in this country has been enormously valuable to us and it is vital that it should continue .
17 It is very valuable to you since it will be detailed and original , may criticise other historians ' views and will provide a good insight into the wide range of sources that historians must consult before they are able to offer convincing interpretations ( see their use of footnotes and consult the bibliographies ) .
18 The fans were right to give me stick but they 've been good to me and it 's great to come off to a reception like that . ’
19 The analytical approach is useful to us because it makes us familiar with the parts and the way they work together .
20 The rainforest is also held to be useful to us because it will help to mitigate the worst impacts of global warming .
21 This can be helpful to us but it may give rise to difficulties and require careful handling if the client 's writing skills leave something to be desired .
22 Er yeah and I think people in the first term are quite attracted to it because it does n't seem to have much on the timetable erm
23 It 's important to them because it proves where they are in life , they do n't want to stay like where their parents were , they want to prove .
24 ‘ Julie was a loving mother and we both wanted more children but her career was very , very important to her and it 's important to me that people know just what a clever woman she was . ’
25 Mr Copley took an occasional service at St Andrew 's when Mr Smollett , the vicar , was on holiday , an involvement in church and village life which , Meg suspected , was as important to him as it was to the church .
26 She had been tricking herself earlier into thinking that he did , that their friendship was nearly as important to him as it was to her , but seeing him in the garden with Marise tonight , and hearing about his marriage , unhappy though it had been , had made her realise that friendship was never as important as passion — at least , she was sure , not to a man .
27 My meal was obviously not as important to him as it was to me .
28 As her eyes widened he added , ‘ Perhaps now you can understand the reason why I bought it and why it is so important to me that it should succeed ? ’
29 As a producer ‘ Space Oddity ’ was very important to me as it was only my second or third record and I was looking forward to seeing David play it live .
30 Sight is so important to us that it dominates the way we perceive the sensory worlds of other animals , and even dictates the vocabulary available to describe those worlds .
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