Example sentences of "[adj] to [pron] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , as they encountered new crowds of pole-carrying Annamese peasants jogging ceaselessly between market and rice field , or spilling out of their tiny village temples and pagodas , he felt that what had happened was somehow inextricably bound up with the torrid , exotic country that was so totally unfamiliar to him in all its ways , and other distressing images of the recent past began to flood through his mind ; he saw again the brutal French colon lashing the fallen prisoners between the shafts of the cart in Saigon , remembered the horror he had felt at the sight of what he thought were many massacred coolies on the river wharf on their arrival , and he heard once more the thud of the Citron striking the peasant boy on the way to the hunting camp .
2 Then at Angers he did homage to his father , swearing on the Gospels that he would be faithful to him against all men .
3 We just want to share with you how God has been so faithful to us in many ways .
4 It was clear to me from this letter that we were engaged again , if that was what I wanted , and I did ; also , that the natural happiness and buoyancy of Leslie 's nature had reasserted itself , now that it had been released from what he had felt to be the cramping frustration of home service .
5 The school stories are still the major fodder of the magazine , if only because it is something universal to everyone in this country .
6 The beauty of this method is that it makes you aware of the most harmonic choices that are avaible to you on any chosen scale degree .
7 " … I would think it a sufficient detriment to the confider that information given in confidence is to be disclosed to persons whom he would prefer not to know of it , even though the disclosure would not be harmful to him in any positive way . "
8 It was this fundamentally sound structure which made the game readily accessible to everyone in those unions and led to the South African game being so strong , so great , and so famous .
9 4.2.2 invite the parties to subject to him within such time limits as he may direct such written representations concerning the matter or matters in dispute as they may respectively wish
10 Safety is always paramount to us in those matters and we are in discussion with them to see how best we can help .
11 And do not be rude to him in any way .
12 I have to say again I 'm sorry no it it was n't obvious to me at that time definitely not .
13 Opportunities range from those which are more or less obvious to everyone to those which are only spotted by someone who makes the conceptual breakthrough .
14 The London Region was good to me in those days and the London Region are gon na put their money where their mouth is today .
15 He is extremely useful to us in that role .
16 We want them because truth is what makes our beliefs useful to us in this well-defined sense .
17 Section 34 of the EPA requires a broker in waste or any person producing , importing , carrying , keeping , treating or disposing of waste ( other than a householder ) to ‘ take all such measures applicable to him in that capacity as are reasonable in the circumstances ’ to :
18 These contain the agreed job descriptions and the qualifications generally applicable to them in each country .
19 It will be comforting to me at any rate personally to know that even so eminent a , a , er an ornament of the present administration as my Noble Friends also found these th th this material a matter for stumbling and was not perhaps inclined to give it a crown of lucidity .
20 This can be comforting to them to some extent , but what they really want to hear is that you will not only see that they are cared for properly for the rest of their days , but that you will help them to remain in control of their own finances and to be as independent as possible .
21 Most of your technical tutors will be seeing everything you do , and deriving what they need to know from it ; they do n't want to find you confused by criticism from senior students which might not be helpful to you at this point .
22 C. S. Lewis 's approach to the nature of myth is very helpful to us at this point .
23 The faint silvery-white outline of his robe and his face were clearly discernible to her at all times , and so overpowering was the experience at first that in the early morning , as she poured out a cup of tea , she would pour a second cup and absent-mindedly walk towards the chair and say : ‘ Here 's a cup of tea for you , ’ and then jolt back to reality , shaking her head : ‘ Agh , I must be mad !
24 It was n't only that I could n't lift myself off the ground but that I was stuck to it in some way .
25 The amount of information a word conveys is therefore a function of possible alternatives which would be meaningful to us in that position .
26 He is clearly rather tired of preaching the design gospel when it has been evident to him for many years the fundamental role it plays in good business practice .
27 By ‘ Putting Herself in the Picture ’ she put her audience in the picture , and we are indebted to her for that .
28 I think it was a very good school for its time , and I am deeply indebted to it for all I learned , but it was , I consider now , very strict .
29 ‘ And was this film important to her in any particular way ? ’
30 She only knew that he was very serious and that this was important to him for some reason .
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