Example sentences of "[adj] and [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 It was risky and she knew it .
2 But your chest is , is sounding clear and I expect it 's management of the hernia that 's going
3 One aim is to make the familiar look unfamiliar and he says it was only when he referred back to his photographs after completing many of his drawings that he realised what he had missed .
4 I felt my hand touch something feathery and I pulled it out to see what it was .
5 He sits thinking about everything that could go wrong and I suppose it just eats him up . ’
6 Before : Rebecca 's long , one-length hair is quite coarse and she feels it looks dull and boring .
7 Bryony if you 're going to walk you need hold on to there because when you hang on to the handle it 's too high and you tip it over .
8 At the weekend I received a letter and a petition from a young girl called Frances aged nine years old and it brought it home to me that it is n't an adult centred er erm issue , that it 's one for everybody who lives in Leicestershire .
9 You were eight years old and I suppose it is to your mother 's credit that she wanted to spare you any court proceedings .
10 After all , these services are free and we take it as a compliment if you ask .
11 It came free and he threw it at me .
12 The design team under Hugh Lasson and Misha Black ( both later knighted ) were right in believing that there was hunger for visual stimulation among the British and they got it in the form of sculpture , murals and mobiles by Moore , Hepworth , Piper , Sutherland , Topolski and Epstein as well as a pedestrian precinct which was all grilles and screens and balls and decks and terraces and fountains and colour .
13 And I got interested and you know it wer I was parti very very interested in , in economics .
14 I 'm soaking wet and you call it nice and it 's dismal , oh
15 ‘ His knee is slightly unstable and we thought it best he saw the surgeon who performed the operation on him . ’
16 ‘ His knee is slightly unstable and we thought it best he saw the surgeon who performed the operation . ’
17 Perhaps the gas cooker 's broken and they need it mending .
18 Because one of the typewriters is broken and she blamed it on me .
19 Just now the autumnal coolth was tonic and he breathed it in like drinking draughts of fresh milk , then took dippersful of water from the butt at the side of the house and sluiced his head into activity .
20 Even at that early stage in her career , Roddick knew she was different and she cultivated it .
21 Matisse comes at the end of a tradition of Renaissance illusionism and volumetric painting which is irrevocably shifting into something different and he wants it both ways , just as Giotto wanted it both ways .
22 And we were given this lovely bag you know , with your buns in and your lunch and I think at these kind of things erm were very , very acceptable and you see it , it was , it was involving people er with the store , not just your groceries .
23 Discipline was rigid and we respected it , but resented it too , because of a particular juvenile arrogance that must have been founded on the knowledge that the world was changing a lot more than they realised , and it was for us that it was changing .
24 Chest painful and they hold it when coughing
25 The chest may be painful and they hold it when coughing and lie on the painful side to keep it still and put pressure on it .
26 The spring rain soaked him but it was warm and he licked it as it trickled down his lip .
27 Sir Michael , now 88 , adds that the performance is very appropriate and he wishes it great success .
28 so I thought he , he 's changing things he 's saying well I do n't think this is suitable and I do n't think my way of tackling this is suitable because he 's used to dealing with different kids , although they 're a similar age , they 're not very motivated or mighty but they 're more motivated than these kids , but he says like he 'll turned back towards the black board and he 'll be writing and they 're shouting abuse at him , F ing and blinding and he says it makes me so angry because I do n't know the voices well enough to know who 's saying it
29 He was deadly serious and I knew it .
30 Feargal 's blue eyes were impossibly bland and she found it very hard to keep her face straight .
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