Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The slides were then washed in phosphate buffered saline and incubated with a 1:300 dilution of biotinylated anti-mouse antibody ( Dakopatts , Denmark ) .
2 political ideology is male-biased and associated with the values of male supremacy and ferocity ;
3 There was a woman who wanted me to call her mother , and then called me awkward , exasperated and frightened with the dreams and the screams .
4 You 'd be sucked in , absorbed and fused with the steel and the plastic and the concrete — fused into the very fabric of the building itself . ’
5 The house committee met weekly and dealt with a variety of matters .
6 Tall , slim and dressed with an elegant simplicity .
7 Do n't go about much ; no late returning in crowded streets from Earl 's Court or elsewhere ; no dissipating jabber and smoking and drinking with the Andrews [ where Helen was employed ] .
8 HOLLAND 'S only commercial reactor at Borssele is just about as ordinary a nuclear power plant as you could expect to find : 477 megawatts , 10 years old and saddled with a 20-year contract to supply electricity to the neighbouring Pechiney aluminium smelter at a third of the present going rate .
9 One hundred and ten people infected with HIV reported 119 children , of whom 60 were dependent — that is , less than 16 years old and living with a parent .
10 Eternal God , we rejoice in your promise that as our day is , so shall our strength be ; and we ask for your help for all who are old and wearied with the burden of life .
11 Another item that really suffers when seen dry , but once in the tank , wet and covered with a little algae , comes into its own .
12 Harvey 's songs are rich in imagery , raw and bleeding with the grist of the female experience .
13 Deep , pulsing , mind-boggling and overlaid with a cloak of dark and haunting atmospherics , Voov come at you like an express train on Uptime .
14 Taking an unmarked structure such as The book received a great deal of publicity in China as a starting point , we can suggest a number of possible thematic structures in English , starting with the least marked and ending with the most marked .
15 It is not surprising that such symbolism should unconsciously echo or evoke those infantile structures of representation through which identities and differences are first negotiated and invested with a sense of mastery , or that these models should be reproduced in the way racism is itself conceptualized .
16 The apple room was dim and scented with a mysterious sweetness like the breakfast honey .
17 These characters fall into two broad categories , the radial shields are sometimes bar-like and long , often covered over by the disk covering which is usually small thin scales or occasionally stouter scales , or a disk covered by distinct plates with the radial shield distinct and integrated with the other plates .
18 Being so central and combined with the fact that it 's also a club Exclusive hotel where you can always be sure of a lively , fun atmosphere and a friendly welcome , it 's hardly surprising that the Catherine is our most popular base in town and comes top of our list for summer ‘ 90 .
19 The May evening was warm and filled with a golden light , and as he passed the Maria-Therese gardens the scent of the lilacs hit him with an almost physical pain .
20 Sitting in the pictures — getting dark and warm and watching with the music all the time playing from nowhere .
21 The ‘ Palace Bar ’ is warm and welcoming with an atmosphere all of its own , ideal for a drink before dinner .
22 The two old dears slowly but methodically sifted the rows of their debris , creaking and grunting with every movement as if it would be their last .
23 We are delighted and thrilled with the enthusiasm and ingenuity you have displayed while producing a grand total of over £2,500 .
24 Arrange the tomatoes and melon wedges decoratively on the couscous and accompany with a lemon wedge .
25 Subsequently , 213 organizational narratives were extracted from the transcripts , classified and analysed with the help of a specially devised computer programme .
26 Water had dripped on to the paper so that it had become sodden and merged with the lettuce leaves .
27 The country had done quite well without it — it had industrialised and prospered with the use of self-made men of minimum education .
28 On the left there is the Jacobin tradition , which draws on the Rousseauist doctrine of the general will , expressed thus by Robespierre : ‘ Wherever the people does not exercise its authority and does not manifest its power itself , but only through representatives and if the representative body is not pure and identified with the people , then liberty is extinguished . ’
29 The difference between Weber 's position and the more sophisticated Marxisms which see culture as relatively autonomous and interacting with the economy in a reciprocal ( or ‘ dialectical ’ ) relationship is perhaps not great .
30 There may be an alveolar closure immediately preceding and overlapping with a velar closure ; there may be simultaneous alveolar and velar closure , or a velar closure followed by slight contact but not closure in the alveolar region .
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