Example sentences of "[adj] and [noun] is the " in BNC.

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1 Most of the population is Russian-speaking and Russia is the country 's closest economic partner .
2 From this graph , we see that increase in reaction time is directly proportional to the number of alternatives , by Hick 's Law : where k is constant and N is the number of equally probable alternatives .
3 LINEAR REGRESSION — For practical reasons , the relationship between two variables is often described by a linear model , in the form of Y=A+BX ( where Y and X are the dependent and independent variables , respectively , A is a constant and B is the regression coefficient ) .
4 Selection is inevitable and flexibility is the name of the game .
5 I despise the idea and practice of blood sports , but this violent reaction threw up a profile of wildly inconsistent attitudes which puzzles me ; how is it that fox hunting is legal and fishing is the most popular outdoor recreational activity in Britain , yet badger killing invokes a desire for public retribution — lynch mob fever , almost — over and above the punishment of the courts ?
6 If the difference of interests of bourgeois and worker is the social contradiction of capitalism , then the advent of modernist culture is what Daniel Bell has rightly called the cultural contradiction of capitalism .
7 Black and white is the theme here and a large white claw-and-ball bath is strategically placed in the centre of the room .
8 So great and rapid is the devastation that some have feared that the entire reef might disappear — even though it contains 3000 separate coral islands , stretched 2000 km along the Queensland coast , and covering an area the size of Great Britain .
9 Indeed , so profound and all-pervading is the modern resentment of authority , restraint and control in all its forms that even types of protest which seem to be motivated by the highest ideals of civilized behaviour and the most tender manifestations of conscience can be shown to originate in it .
10 However random access is fast and accurate and VHD is the main rival on the British market to the Active Play laser disc for education and training uses .
11 If we change every to and any one to , where e is small and n is the number of , then we can never have for any subset of nodes .
12 These are edited excerpts from the book : EXTRACT from medical report form for one of the Big Five banks : ‘ For colour vision , ability to distinguish between red and black is the only requirement . ’
13 Bearing in mind that Rosemary says she does not like red and scent is the most important thing .
14 I know that the rules for feature-page articles are different from those for reviews , but I do think that Alan Clark , who was given large space on the Times ’ main feature page , could have got around to mentioning the book from which he had taken the material for his strictures of Churchill before his last two paragraphs : ‘ And yet , so docile and leader-oriented is the Conservative Party [ Whoops !
15 Californians are 24-hour-party-people and LA is the capital of showbiz excess .
16 Californians are 24-hour-party-people and LA is the capital of showbiz excess .
17 Only 350 yards from the lively and bustling centre of the resort , the furnishings in this hotel are pleasing and comfort is the keynote .
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